Monday 21 May 2012

Design Porn: Brokis Balloon Pendant Lights

The best ideas are sometimes so simple that you think you've seen them before. They're so obvious they're almost ubiquitous by accident. That's how I feel about these Brokis balloon lights. I spotted them in this month's Living Etc (a fine issue, by the way), and they're so fun and so clever that I have no idea where they've been all my life.

The switches are like string! Oh, it's so good. So very good. They even come as wall lights. Remember when you'd rub balloons on your hair and get them to stick to walls with static? This is the design version of that.

They're from £150 from John Moncrieff. I need at least six in the same room, which will make going to bed take slightly longer when I have to run around switching them all off. I don't care, they're the most fun lights I've ever seen.


  1. Wow. These are so brilliant. I don't understand how they stay up, but will presume it's by magic.

    1. Like any normal light fitting - they're either attached to the ceiling or the wall. This means that the ceiling ones have holes at the top, but you can't really see them (they're just visible in the images with the lights off). They're so clever.

    2. Hi Siany
      Thanks for the write up, Living etc actually got the prices wrong the prices start at £85.70 each and can be found :

      Thanks again

      Scott Gilmore

    3. Hi Scott,

      That's even better! Thanks so much for commenting. I'm moving house soon and will definitely just have to splash out on one for the new place.


  2. I LOVE Balloons (so much I'm having an entire week dedicated to them on my blog) and I want these so much... I just keep saying I can't buy anything until we buy a house, which is a good couple of years away. But then I know that I'll be gutted if I can't get these anymore. I might just have to start saving!


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