Friday 11 May 2012

Design Porn: James Brown

Sluttery HQ is moving soon! Which is exciting and scary all at once. It's even moving to a slightly swisher postcode. Once I've got over the packing and shuffling and unpacking and the whole OHMYGODWHYARETHERESOMANYBOOKS thing, I get to buy loads of things to make my new house seem more like home. The first thing is going to be a James Brown print.

James Brown pops into my life every so often. Like on Sunday when I saw this Voodoo print in The Home Front in Greenwich. I can't get this print out of my head, it's gorgeous, it's a little bit sexy and it's definitely my first choice. But it comes framed and I can't afford the mark up on framed prints (Ikea do pretty good frames for cheap). It's been a bitch to find online - Brown has a habit of doing short runs of some prints, and this one is fairly old. Lucky me, I've found it at Soma Gallery for £43.
A couple of years ago, I went to a wonderful music festival called Winterlude. It was run by The Betsey Trotwood in London, and I only wanted to go because fabulous local band Moon Music Orchestra were playing. So The Magic Numbers headlining was a bit of a shock. I wish I'd snaffled one of the posters now, because this framed print is £125 in Liberty.

There's now a James Brown exhibition at Stour Space in East London, featuring some of his most popular work, and some great new pieces as well. The show is on until 4th June.

You can buy James' newest prints from General Pattern, but my heart is still set on that voodoo thing that you do so well.

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