Monday 21 May 2012

Garden Baby Sock Bouquets

Babies. They're everywhere at the moment. We've looked at what to wear if you're the one doing the tiny person growing but what if you're not and you want to buy a gift for mum and baby? The key to good baby gift buying is to make it pretty AND useful which is why these goodies from Garden Baby are perfect. Look at this one.

Pretty flowers? Pretty flowers made of baby socks! You get a muslin in this one too. They are always useful. And the bag can be used for whatever. This one is £32 and comes in other colours.

Been put in charge of the office collection to get the present for your colleague who's about to go on maternity leave? You might be able to afford something a bit bigger in that case (depending on how generous everyone is!). This Alice bag has a long sleeve vest, five pairs of socks and five muslins in  it. Oh and the benefit of a bag to throw toys or other baby bits in. For such small people, they sure have a lot of... stuff. At £85, it's definitely one to club together on.

If it's just you who wants to buy a little something, then why not get this muslin cupcake? Seriously, muslins really are that useful. It's £25.
Shipping is free on all items. They're a lovely way of helping out with something useful which is one of the best presents a mum-to-be can have!


  1. Where are they all coming from?!

    These are cute. Everyone knows the best thing about newborns is their teeny tiny feet.

  2. I agree Siany, they are so cute and those little feet! I love the baskets used as they can in turn be used for nappies, bits and bobs.

  3. On baby no.3 and have never used a muslin... What are they for???

    As for newborn socks, they fall off straight away. Nothing like pants-with-feet for babies-up-to-6-months!

    1. Mopping up dribble, sick, snot, hastily covering a boob when you open the door to your postman with them hanging out AGAIN, bib, face cloth for you. They also make good mini ghost costumes if my children are to be believed...

      Newborn socks can fall off - that's why they went under things with feet on mine!

  4. These are absolutely fab. So nice and bright which makes a lovely change for baby gifts. Thanks for posting. Im off to look at their website now.


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