Thursday 10 May 2012

Turn Your Drawing Into A Toy!

Easily the most amazing thing that happened to me as a child was when my mother got my brother and I to draw on a round piece of paper. It was all very mysterious, but a few weeks later I was gobsmacked to get a plate back in the post with my drawing on it. Magic! (See also, the 80s).

(Update: thanks to reader Emma Chemistry for introducing us to Scottish firm Lucy Moose who do a similar thing!)

Wendy Tsao, from Vancouver-based Child's Own Studio, has taken this several steps further and built up a business turning children's drawings into soft toys. And boy, are they beautiful! It's quite amazing how what can look like a scrawl on the page becomes a perfectly legitimate, imaginative toy when made up. 

Tsao is no longer accepting commissions due to a massively long waiting list (but then, she's in Vancouver so the postage would be astronomical). She has a good list of other craftmakers who can do the same projects on her, and for Europe, there's a company in Hungary and one in Portgual. Nobody in the UK though, shame (Correction: see update at the top, hurrah!). Far better then to just admire some of the fruits of children's minds, and her nimble sewing skills. 

Thank you to Gareth Aveyard on Twitter for bringing this wonderful gallery and thus the Studio to our attention. I feel 500 shades of happy.


  1. These are amazing. As a 31-year-old-adult I absolutely need one of these... [rushes off to draw a picture]. Shame I'm not skilled enough to start a company up myself.

  2. If your looking for a similar thing but UK based, I'd thoroughly recommend Lucy Moose ( It's lovely to see these designs brought to life!

    1. Superb work Emma! Thank you very much, I've updated the post with Lucy's details.

  3. I make Doodle Decorations which are Christmas decorations made from children's drawings. My son drew this snowman when he was 5 years old - a lovely way to treasure those childhood drawings. Each one is stitched by hand

  4. That's definitely even better than framing up a child's drawing and hanging it on the wall. Making it into their own toy.. lovely!

  5. Oh, this is just the best! They're so true to the pictures. What a fantastic idea!

  6. Holy guacamole! I neeeeed someone to make mine come to life like this!


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