Wednesday 27 June 2012

Ask The Sluts: What's your favourite chocolate bar?

Everyone has a favourite chocolate bar (don't try and fight it, you can't like two bars equally). There's always a favourite. Here's a little run down of what chocolate you'll find in our desk drawers. If you want to bribe us to be our friends, these are the choccy bars you should buy us.

Siany: I go through fits and bursts with chocolate bars. One week I can be all over Twix bars, then I'll forgot they exist for ages. Then Bounty bars, then Kinder Bueno. Despite my lust for other chocolate, I always come back to Wispa bars. The day they reappeared was probably one of the best days of my life. Not Wispa Gold, though. They're crap.

Sara: Bounty bars, because I enjoy telling myself I'll just eat half and save the rest for later, then immediately forgetting and scarfing the whole lot. Dark chocolate only, mind.

Hazel: Wow to choose just one is REALLY tough. When I was little it was without doubt the blue Biscuit Boost, but then they went and made the caramel and chocolate layer all soft and ruined it (why do they keep doing that?) so my allegiance moved on to Caramels, although a Flake bar comes a very close second...

Elizabeth: As a self-proclaimed chocoholic this a really tough question. Am I allowed a top 5? Green & Black's Almond, Cadbury's Whole Nut, Ferrero Rocher, the Purple One and a plain old Snickers bar. So basically anything with nuts would make me happy.

Nick: My grandparents used to have a walk-in cupboard which was essentially a confectioner's Aladdin's cave. That was where I fell in love with Toffee Crisps, Penguins, Wispas and Trios. Unfortunately, my teenage years made me afraid of chocolate and its effects on the landscape of my pubescent face so now I only indulge in my absolute favourites. Williams-Sonoma Peppermint bark is my crack (white chocolate, dark chocolate and mint rock). My other weakness is Crunchies. Chocolate and honeycomb!?! It's essentially doubling-down on greatness, I'm saddened that no one else recognised its supremacy.

Laura: For me, without a doubt, it's Kinder Bueno. Unbelievably moreish hazelnut cream covered in wafer so you can pretend it's almost healthy. There was an advert for them about five years ago where two high pitched voices just sang the word 'Bueno' again and again, and I have to sing it whenever I see one. If you can't get Bueno, just buy me anything Swiss. Particularly if it has sea salt in it. But not dark chocolate, that would just be silly.

Caleigh: It has to be Cadbury's Flake. When I was 11, I played Charlie in an all-girl production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and my 'Wonka Bar', that I ate on stage every night, was really a Flake - I've loved them ever since. I love that the crumbly bits collect in the bottom of the wrapper and just when you think you've finished the bar, you've actually got another wee helping of chocolatey goodness lurking there.

So which is the best chocolate bar? Wispas? Crunchies? Bounty? FIGHT!

Flickr image from acme.


  1. I've read this and immediately changed my mind. Of COURSE the Crunchie is superior in every way.

    1. I don't think you can just change your mind like that, fickle lady.

    2. Am I the only woman in the world that doesnt like chocolate?
      Cake, yeah, biscuit, yeah...but not with crappy chocolate on...

  2. Crunchies have been my all time fave since I was little and my Grandpa used to buy me and my sister one EVERY Saturday. MMMMMMMMMMMMM want a Crunchie now!

  3. For me its got to be a turkish delight dairy milk, safe in the knowledge most people wrinkle their nose in disgust, i can have it all to myself!

  4. Got to be a Double Decker - it's got everything you could possibly want in a bar, and it's so chewy that it lasts for ages :)

  5. For a quick fix it has to be something like a wispa, but for a treat and a bit of indulgence it has to be Hotel Chocolat - love their choc bars and they last longer too as they are more satisfying!! x

  6. Siany, I think we are kindred chocolate twins..... I am as faddish with choc as everything else, but I can *always* fancy a Wispa. Kinder Bueno, Bounty, Boost and the legendary Spira make up the rest of my top five. Man I wish they'd bring back Spira.

    1. Spiras! I had completely forgotten about them *dashes off to newsagents*

    2. If anyone can find a Spira they MUST share their sources. Simply THE BEST thing to use as a straw with a hot choccer.

  7. The best one is Galler's Framboise. It is the best thing you will ever put in your mouth. I have only seen it at Sainsbury's.

  8. Peanut Butter Kit Kats are a pretty sexual experience!

  9. Chunky Kit Kats are my absolute favourite, but closely followed by Caramac, which reminds me of being at school!

    1. Ah, Caramac, I loved them! Can you still buy them?

    2. Yes, i have had a caramac within the last week.

  10. Anything where you can nibble bits off the Crunchie definitely, KitKat, but the four finger dark one, turkish delight, so you're just left with the jelly (same goes for Jaffa Cakes!)... you get the idea!

  11. Does anyone remember Mars Delights? I'm sad they've vanished. I think they were similar to Buenos... but NOT THE SAME!

  12. My constants are Twix and Kit Kat, but the love of my life is Flake. Always and forever! What Caleigh said about the crumbly bits is exactly right. It's like an extra little present from Cadbury.

  13. Nobody is giving the Frys Chocolate Cream the kudos it deserves. e.v.e.r.y. time, the absolute best afternoon slump pick-me-up-with-coffee.


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