Tuesday 19 June 2012

Design Porn: Hold Me, I'm Fragile

There's nothing fun about moving house. It involves packing, which is seven shades of utter crap. Don't move house. Stay exactly where you are. I thought it might be quite fun at first, like when I have to tidy my bedroom but really just sit on the floor and read old copies of Living Etc. It'll be like that, just with more interesting stuff, right? WRONG. It's rubbish and it goes on forever.

Then there's The Fear of Broken Stuff. Mr Removal Van Man doesn't really care that you favourite shirt is in that box. He definitely couldn't care less about the very first copy of the Domestic Sluttery book which has a very special place on your bookshelf. Couldn't give a damn if your favourite things get squished. I think I scrawled 'don't you dare drop me' on one box.

Product Of Your Environment care about your stuff. These emotionally fragile tapes are ideal for keeping your stuff safe, or at least giving you a giggle while you're wrapping up your boxes. They're £8.50 each and will keep your boxes sturdy. My favourite is the 'hold me, I'm fragile' tape, which is sold out on the POYE website, but you can hop over to Bouf and get it there.

Please don't wrap up emotional boys and girls in tape. I don't think it'll help.

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