Thursday 28 June 2012

Geographically Gorgeous: Due Clothing

Sometimes I find it hard enough to navigate myself to the train station, let alone around the wider world. I am constantly in awe of fearless explorers who bravely stride into the sunset and don't find themselves back where they started fifteen minutes later. The range of tops from Due Fashion make me want to explore every corner of the world. I found out about this UK-based company through the joys of the internet and the wonderful South African-based blog Miss Moss. That seems appropriate for designs that feature places in the world that range from Africa to Alaska.

Though Due Fashion have been selling vintage for a while now, this is their first collection. It's fourteen tops, each digitally printed with a different breathtaking aerial view. Each top is £38 each and a few minutes on the site has probably done more good for my world knowledge than my A Level in Geography. The design at the top of the post shows a view of Kitakami which I now know is in Japan.

The colours on the tops are stunning. Full marks to Mother Nature. The gorgeous greens in this is top are from Capriviwhich is part of Namibia.

This looks like it's an old master painting as much as being a shot of the Sahara. It's beautiful. I'm honestly don't know what to do first: buy one of these tops or pop into my dentist to read his back issue copies of National Geographic. Either way, I'm then definitely booking myself a holiday.

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