Friday 15 June 2012

Sluttery By Post: Biscuits from Bakers Pantry

I am going to petition the Prime Minister to make elevenses some kind of recognised law. Basically, at ten to eleven every morning without fail (because no one ACTUALLY makes it to eleven, right?) we all have to drink something warm and comforting and eat a nice biscuit. It's for our own good.

Until then, I shall just have to put up with my own self-enforced daily elevenses ritual. But what if you could do it every day with style? Nibbling on flavoursome, moreish biscuits at all kinds of varying points on the spectrum of crunchiness to soft, chewiness?

Enter: Bakers Pantry.

They work around the clock (stopping at elevenses, naturally) to source Britain's finest biscuits. You can't buy these bad boys in supermarkets: oh no, these are hand-picked from the country's finest bakers.

If you subscribe to their biscuit club, you get a monthly biscuit delivery to keep you going: it's around 60 biscuits, in roughly six styles, and all of them tasty as you like. Just as an idea, their recent selections have included rocky road, marmalade oaties, apple and cinnamon crunch and butterscotch shortbread.

All selections come with tasting notes from the bakers themselves (so you can have a sneaky dribble while you read about what you're about to munch on), and the monthly selection is £19.95 with free delivery (normally £25.50 including delivery).

£20 a month isn't that much to spend on good quality don't-even-need-to-dunk biscuits, especially if you and a colleague go halvesies and split the booty between you. Plus you get a range of discounts and added benefits if you sign up for more than three months. A lot of these benefits involve free biscuits. You can't lose.

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