Monday 18 June 2012

Sluttishly Sweet: Good Natured Strawberries

So I'm going to tell you about these delicious strawberries I got sent by Good Natured, and you're going to read and think "well, this is all very nice, Sara, but I expect they're £9 for a punnet which is all right for you fancy London types but frankly not acceptable for the rest of us." So I'm going to start by saying they're £2 for a 300g punnet, and Tesco is currently selling them at £3 for two. What a bargain.

Good Natured's fruit is pesticide-residue free. The whole range is as environmentally-friendly as possible - you can compost the packaging, even the clear window. Whatever they're doing, it clearly works, as these were fresh, juicy and sweet. Compared to other supermarket brands, these just had more flavour, like they'd been injected with essence of strawberry. The others tasted watery and bland, whereas the Good Natured ones had a deeper, richer taste. Adding a dollop of Rodda's Cornish clotted cream turned them from a healthy snack to a decadent dessert.

A warm March and cool April should mean we're on for a bumper crop of sweet and flavoursome strawberries this year. Track down Good Natured's berries in Asda and Morrison's, and Tesco in Scotland. Why not start with our berry pavlova cake and work your way through our strawberry recipes?

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