Friday 6 July 2012

The Boy and his Poison: Drink Deck

Divining a city's hotspots from it's dive bars is practically a full-time occupation, or in my case a hangover inducing extracurricular hobby peppered with expensive mistakes. Sure we have Twitter, and there are plenty of websites and guides out there to help us, but if only there was some sort of curated list of great speakeasies and gin-joints that rewarded you for being adventurous. Better still, imagine if its coverage was international and it came in the form of a cute deck of cards that you could buy or give to others.

Annoyingly whilst I was envisaging this perfect bar guide over my third martini, Drink Deck went ahead and made it. Actually they didn't just make it, they realised it in app form (i.e. less misplaceable) and came up with the pithy pitch of it being an ingenius deck of cards that combines 'savings, urban exploration and great recommendations'. They span London, Chicago, Portland and New Orleans, each pack sells for £20 and features fifty-two bars with a unique discount on each card that is applied after you've spent £20/$30. Whilst using it as an excuse to take a Portland vacation might border on the lavish, the cards don't expire so it should make the perfect gift for a city visit or the 'difficult-to-buy-for' significant other in your life. Incidentally, I'm not dropping any hints. If you can hear the sound of a hint being dropped I promise, its not me.

Pick up the deck here for £19.15
Or the app here for £19.99 (save those trees and the P&P)

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