Friday 6 July 2012

Cocktail Hour: Monin Syrups

I know that Cocktail Nick is a whizz with a shaker and a master with a jigger, but sometimes I just want an interesting drink without any faff at all. When shaking is too much effort (I know, life is hard) and you don't quite fancy a gin 'n' tonic (erm, what the hell is wrong with you?), there's another option: Monin syrups.

I've been watching coffee shops put Monin in my coffee for years, but it was only when those nice folk at Crumb sent me their afternoon tea cocktail set that I thought about putting the Monin syrup in my booze. Add a bit to your bubbly and you have the Lazy Girl Bellini. Add some to gin and vermouth and you've got a Can't be Arsed for the Pub Martini. You can mix and match your flavours with your spirits for all sorts of lazy-ass drinks. Making up the name is the most effort you'll have to put in.

I got a violette syrup (not my thing, I do not like my drinks to taste of flowers, even pretty purple ones), and one that tasted of cookies. COOKIE COCKTAIL. Now I want them all.

You can buy Monin in little bottles from Waitrose, but currently they've got rubbish flavours. The Blend Coffee Shop on eBay? They've got loads of flavours at £5.99 a pop for a 70cl. Hell yes I want to play with cherry syrup. And watermelon. And guava. I still don't really know what gauva is, but I'm going to put it in vodka and find out.

You can also put all of these in coffee if you want. Like a massive grown up.

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