Tuesday 3 July 2012

Design Porn: Foxbat City Screens

Foxbat is a very strange online shop. They get kudos for the fabulous name (you're picturing a sort of fox bat hybrid aren't you? Me too.) But the shop itself feels half empty. The half that isn't empty? That's a curious collection of London things and not-quite-antiques. I always wanted a rocking horse, there used to be a fancy craft place in a huge hall, and there were rocking horses everywhere.

It's not the rocking horses that I'm after today, it's one of these gorgeous city screens. Rainy London on one side (that's apt, it's a rubbish weather day) and New York skyscrapers and traffic jams on the other. The scale of the images stops them from looking cliche. I'd really quite like one in my bedroom. I'd also quite like the kind of house where you could actually put one and it wouldn't look out of place.

The screens cost a little less than my London rent, which is more than a little bit ridiculous. Fabulous though, isn't it?

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