Thursday 5 July 2012

The Instant Comfort Pocket Box

Love is blind - £6.56 plus £1.32 p&p
I am in a TOTAL state of RAMPANT EXCITEMENT! Not because I have finally read 50 Shades of Grey and thus have a clue what everyone is obsessing over - I read one page in the Islington Marie Curie shop last Saturday and had to go and have a weep into my "Guide to English Grammar" - but because today I became the proud bearer of a ticket to the Olympics synchronised swimming team final.

I am so excited I might pass out.

Oh my God, I really need to calm down.

Fortunately, the Instant Comfort Pocket Box is possibly the most calming thing I know of, little matchboxes covered in ICPB designs which you open up to find a little 3D scene and maybe some comforting words. They are like happiness in a box. Send them to someone you know needs a little looking after, or to let them know you're thinking of them with love.

 (Some words, like "You look wonderful today!" have a few different variations to choose from. I love Mr Pigeon - that's his name, I'm not being cutesy -  and if I give the redhead to someone, I can pretend it's an artistic interpretation of me.)

They are made by Kim Welling in the Netherlands (I know, I know - not British, but a steal for something so unique), and sold through her Etsy shop, Kim's Little Monsters. Each box is made-up and works out at £6.21 and £1.32 p&P, although Kim is very good at combining. I've bought these from her before and they're simply enchanting.

The patterns change all the time; one month she might be selling a cute pig on a hill telling you that everything will be fine, the next it might be a sweetheart Valentine's box.


And if you'd rather put some of your own love into the box too, Kim sells flatpack kits of two for £8.21, all ready for you to cut and glue into shape. How very lovely. And I feel all calm and ready now.


  1. I love that the sluts love these so much you've written about them before - here. I bought some last time, and I think I will again. You're right - they are ace!

    1. Haha! We did! Almost a year to the day! Over 4000 posts - it's hard to keep track of all of the awesome stuff :-D

  2. Oh my actual God - I am going to have to take to the attic in a fit of banishment. The number one rule of Sluttery Club, Kat, and you broke it!

    *creeps off in a slough of despond*

    1. But you broke it with awesome in a box...

    2. This is true. Blogger has punished me by removing my picture and turning me into an orange box.

      This just proves my point that Sara and I are thought twins though, *and* that these really are wonderfully amazing.

    3. YOU BROKE THE RULE. This means we are of one mind, and so must get married. It's the law, I'm afraid.

  3. Oh, I feel awful now! I think you've gained enough followers in a year for them to be new to a whole bunch of people! :) And they *ARE* Brilliant!


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