Wednesday 4 July 2012

Shop in the spotlight: Serendipity Street

I ummed and ahhed for ages about sharing Serendipity Street with you but only because I want everything they have! This is one of those treasure troves of vintage loveliness without eye-watering prices and quite frankly, such goodness needs to be shared.

Goodness like this Sadler coffee pot. This is a pretty elegant piece. Guess how much it is. Go on, guess.

What? Not even close. It's £12. That's all. Just £12.

I also want these Christmas glasses. I'm not sure what makes them Christmassy - I'd be using them all year round.

The six of them cost £15. That's £2.50 a glass.

They don't just have homewares though. When I saw these Heidi books, I couldn't help but squeal. They're the very same versions which had belonged to my mum and which I read when I was little.

It's £10 for the pair. I'm going to go round to my mum's to snaffle her copies to read again.

There's lots more gems to be found so go and have a root around. Delivery costs a flat rate of £4.50 or is free if you spend over £50. That would be very easy to do.


  1. The Heidi books are the ones I had as a girl. And I think I may have to read them again before you come to snaffle them.

  2. Oooh, those glasses are lovely.

  3. Why did nobody tell me that the most expensive part of moving house is the ridiculous amount you end up spending on kitchenware? This site is amazing!

  4. oh no - i just found myself ordering several items! oops.


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