Monday 2 July 2012

Sluttishly Sweet: No Cook Fudge

I have never made fudge before. Here's why:

1) Boiling sugar, which most recipes require you to do, would undoubtedly result in second-degree burns and/or a blackened pit where my kitchen used to be,
2) I don't own a sugar thermometer. I have no interest in owning one. Sorry. I love gadgets, but this is one too far for me.
3) I don't own a microwave, or I'd have given Alex's cheaty choc mint fudge a bash.

But then I heard people talking about no cook fudge. It's unbelievably easy - mix, roll, leave to dry, done. You don't even have to melt butter. I've made a small batch because a couple of pieces fulfil your sugar quota for the year, but double it if you're sharing with friends. It's ludicrously easy. Using icing sugar means it isn't grainy, and I've added some maple syrup because it was Canada Day yesterday. Hey Canadians! Hope you had an awesome day! Eat fudge!

No Cook Fudge (makes 15 squares)

You will need:
  • 40g butter (at room temperature)
  • 2 tbsp condensed milk
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 250g icing sugar
Make it!
  1. Beat the butter, condensed milk, maple syrup and vanilla extract together until smooth.
  2. Sift in the icing sugar bit by bit and beat it in. You'll need to mix the last of it in by hand to form a ball.
  3. Dust a clean surface with icing sugar and roll out the fudge to 1.5-2cm thick. Cut into squares and transfer to some baking paper on a tray.
  4. Leave to dry overnight before eating or packaging up in cellophane bags as a gift.


  1. Witchcraft. This is all witchcraft.

    In all seriousness, this looks lovely. (Really, no sugar thermometer? I don't use mine very often, but I really like it.)

  2. I'm with Sara on sugar thermometers - why would I ever own one? Mother Brown's fudge recipe doesn't require one, and I don't have a microwave either so this is ber-illiant.

    1. One day you might want to make brittle toffee hearts and smash them to bits. It's the only way.

    2. I like judging stuff by taste or by sight. I don't know, there's something too precise about it, I like my cooking to be more rough and ready.

    3. But Sian, you MADE me the toffee hearts! I will never need a thermometer as long as I have you.

      I'm with you Sara - I don't trust anything temperature related, or vastly gadgetry. This is also why I have a very large collection of jam jars, but have still yet to make jam. Mum does that, it's all fine.

    4. I can't argue with that logic. Damn.

  3. I feel that I have become diabetic just by reading the recipe....

    1. It should really come with its own insulin injection.

  4. Could you substitute some form of alcohol (Kahlua, Bailey's, Tia Maria) for the maple syrup I wonder?

    I adore fudge but might just have to bookmark this one for "in the future" given I'm eating well at the moment. Have lost just on 20kg since the start of the year!!!

    Fudge is my big weakness though!!!

    1. Kerrie, I don't see why not. In fact, that's an excellent idea. Well done on the weight loss, and I hope boozy fudge can be an occasional treat!

  5. Rushes to the shop for condensed milk.........

    1. It's a shame it doesn't come in smaller sizes, I've got most of a tin left. Although I guess I could make Alex's brigadeiros:

  6. I don't ever bake. EVER. This is a nice little work-around, no cooking involved!
    You have cost me £5.27 in Morrisons, it could have been worse, but I saw the price of Maple syrup and bought Golden Syrup instead ! Hurrah for Tate and Lyle ! Yum yum

    1. Maple syrup is so expensive. It's like a secret tax on people who don't like honey.

    2. I bought some Maple syrup this week. I'm a skin-flint so it wouldn't've been expensive. I THINK it may have been from Lidl

    3. Mine was £2.09 in Sainsbury's, and it was £3 for two bottles. It seems to be more widely available these days which has pushed the price down.

    4. I made it! and now I remember why I dont bake...icing sugar is now all over me, the kitchen and the cat (he don;t mind, he has a sweet tooth).
      Had enough for a second batch, and used Butterscotch coffee syrup (they type you get in Starbucks, costa's etc), tastes lush.
      Need more icing sugar now, I have caramel and choc chip cookie flavours to make!

    5. Oh, hooray! You're a fudge making MACHINE, Betty. Butterscotch syrup sounds bloody lush too, I know what's going in my next batch.

  7. I love this! Perfect for making with kids as no burning balls of sugar being fired at you from the pot. My arms are covered in tiny burns from jam making (I also don't own a sugar thermometer!)

    1. Yes, it's perfect for making with kids. No boiling sugar, no fuss, just enough mess to keep things fun without wrecking the kitchen.


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