Tuesday 3 July 2012

Tea Towel Tuesday: Papatotoro

Papatotoro definitely wins the prize for most intricate tea towel designs featured on Domestic Sluttery. Look at that border!

Made with vintage print blocks and hand-carved Lino patterns, the detail is absolutely stunning, isn't it?

London-based Papatotoro mixes her dyes by hand, so each colour is absolutely perfect for the design. You can see the love and hard work that's gone into each piece, can't you?

It might be tea towels that I'm focussing on today, but there are also pillow cases (I like these especially), table clothes and tote bags. Loads of pretty.

The tea towels come in at around £14 from Papatotoro's Etsy Shop. I've lost a good part of the day just staring at the beautiful details.

1 comment:

  1. So fancy! I love the bird design. Something almost Elizabethan about it! Looking forward to checking out their table cloths....


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