Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Boy and his Poison: Top Ten Summer Cocktails

There was once a mythical season. A season renowned for its apathy busting light and smile inducing warmth, its absence of clouds, azure-hued skies and most notably its total lack of sheet-rain, flooding and gales. Some of you may be old enough to remember summer, thanks to a considerable gin habit my memories are a little fuzzy but even I have a vague recollection of ice cream, sun bathing and pints of G&T.

Well, don't blink people. Summer's making a guest appearance for one week only and if anyone deserves it, it's you. Having endured three-months of 'springtum' it's your duty to make the most of the next few days and I can think of no finer way to celebrate the arrival of the sun than with these sun-downer suggestions. Get the ice in the freezer, burn some undercooked meat on the bbq and shake up something tasty.

Ginger Brew
You don't have to follow this to the letter, in essence it's a dirty turbo shandy and if you want to make a nice malty beer go further just split it with a decent ginger beer.

Fresh spicy, easy to scale up. This one is a crowd pleaser and a cinch to make.

Aperol Spritz
Quintessentially summer in a glass. Order one out and then try to resist picking up a bottle of Aperol to make your own. Don't judge me but I've always found this tastes like an amazing alcoholic-tizer.

Make it straight or blend it over ice for that truly summer touch.

If you have some left over tequila from that margarita, this non-alcoholic shot is perfect to sip it with.

It's not chavvy if done properly. Sian's done it properly, spiked with brandy and full of fruit just looking at her picture is making me thirsty

Spicy from the ginger, silky smooth from the apple. Summer in a cup.

Frozen, strawberry, banana? If you can buy it, you can add rum and sugar to it. Although the absence of a Hemmingway recipe has definitely given me inspiration for a future post.

Hard Lemonade
If in doubt, vodka it up. Still lemonade always reminds me of summer, so to giving it an adult twist only improves a great drink.

If ever I had a plight it would be to make sure the michelada has a bigger audience. It isn't quite a cocktail, more a 'beer+'…full of spices and flavours that are equally perfect for a summer evening as they are for destroying a hangover.

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