Wednesday 7 November 2012

Too cool for kids: Rainbow Star Bookcase

One of the things I'm most pleased about when it comes to my kids is that they love books. Lots of books. There's no better reason to snuggle up on the sofa and read lots of exciting stories. But books take up a lot of room and quite a lot of them are too big to fit properly in normal bookcases. That's why this sling bookcase from Great Little Trading Company is a Very Good Idea. It works on the basis of library bookcases so you can slot the books in and know that they won't get as tattered as they might do otherwise. It also means that favourite books can be put at the front or hidden at the back depending on whether you can stand to read them again that day! [I think my record for most read book in a day is 27 readings of 'Is It Bedtime Wibbly Pig?']

Practical and nice big book storage can be yours for £46.40 at the moment (reduced from £58) from Great Little Trading Company.


  1. Oh, this is adorable! I like the fact it's got bright colours but is still really stylish and understated. Might have to treat my niece...

  2. I think that could help you to motivate your young ones to read books.


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