Thursday 8 November 2012

Sluttishly Shaken, Not Stirred: James Bond Kindle Cases

I don't know if anyone has noticed, but there's a new Bond film out. Oh, and it marks the 50th Anniversary of the BEST FILMS EVER.

 If there's one thing I am happy The Boy is a total nerd about, it's Bond - they really never get old, do they? All those awesome explosions, cars flying through the air, helicopters popping up out of nowhere and cat-stroking villains - along with the cheesiest, most tongue-in-cheek lines that they totally get away with - are enough to keep me entertained for whole days. Oh, oh, let's have a James Bond movie marathon now, please?

My secret confession is I've never read the books. I know, I'm a bad person. 

Well, now I have a reason to download every single one of them onto my Kindle: so I can get myself one of these Bond Kindle cases!

They really are just beautiful: stunning illustrations, deliciously colourful and just plain sexy.

They're also splash-proof and have all the holes in the right places for your input ports and power buttons: they're savvy as well as stylish, much like the man himself.

There's six designs covering most of the best-loved classics, but I think I've decided which one to put my money on: The Man with the Golden Gun. Purely because the movie has one of the best moments of all time:

Firebox are selling these beauties for £27.99.

1 comment:

  1. I have this one:
    for about a year, and I'm still thrilled with it. Especially when other commuters do a double-take, thinking it's a real first edition !
    Worth every penny.


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