Tuesday 6 November 2012

Tea Towel Tuesday: Rob Ryan Stocking Tea Towel

Is is too soon to talk about Christmas? I think it probably is. I'm not really cool with getting my Santa hat on until the end of November, but if I don't feature this Rob Ryan Christmas tea towel immediatelyrightthissecond, it likely to sell out and then you'll all be mad. So because you've probably been very very good, I thought I'd share.

Y'see, it's not just a tea towel. Well, it could be if you want to keep it as it is. Or, you could get do a little snipping and sewing and turn it into a Christmas stocking.

It's cute, isn't it? the text reads:

'Dear Santa this year I have been very very very very very good. If anyone tells you differently, don't believe them - they are lying!! I really have been so so good! Love + kisses from ......... xxx'

A sewing project is definitely more fun than doing the dishes, so I'd go for the stocking option. You've almost certainly been good enough to buy this, haven't you? Then hurry before it sells out - it's just £12.50 from Rob Ryan's Etsy shop and they're not going to stick around for long.

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