Tuesday 6 November 2012

The Big Cheese Making Kit

Once upon a crazy time, I didn't like cheese very much. I was fine with it on pizza, but otherwise I really didn't want to know. The whole cheeseboard thing totally passed me by. Now the crazy cheese fog has lifted (and been replaced with crazy cheese dreams) and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm sort of on a little bit of a cheese discovery journey. I don't think I'll ever be a massive fan of cheddar, but I'm enjoying learning which cheeses I like, and I'm even starting to enjoy blue cheeses, something that I previously thought was the work of the devil, if the devil had a fridge that needed a good clear out.

But I never thought it possible to make my own. In two hours. Big Cheese Making Kit, I think I love you.

What do you need to get making? Milk. That's it. Goat's milk if you buy the goat's cheese kit (then you can make goat's cheese muffins). Your kit will make 10 batches and each batch is roughly 700 grams. That is a lot of cheese! Ailsa, the lady behind the kit, did a bit of Googling and realised how easy it was to make from home in a few hours. She created Big Cheese (after going through hundreds of pints of milk to get the recipe perfect) so other people could do that same.

Once you've got your kit, you can top up supplies if you need them so you can continue making, and you can choose from to make ricotta and mozzarella if you fancy those instead, adding herbs to the mix to make new creations. The rennet included in that kit is vegetarian and the kits are just £19. I once spent that on cheese on a Friday evening.

They're going to sell very quickly. If you want to have yourself a little cheese making adventure (hopefully you'll be a little more successful than Alex James) get yourself a kit sharpish.


  1. Amazing. This is definitely going to be bought for a few friends' Christmas presents (and then hopefully I get to sample the results myself!).

  2. This is a great product really simple with great results. I've tried the Ricotta kit here http://foodiequine.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/big-cheese-making.html and have ordered 3 kits for pressies

  3. Fantastic - perfect gift for my foodie friend

  4. Once you've made your cheese don't chuck away the leftover whey either, you can use it to make LOADS of amazing things, from dough to face packs!

  5. Hazel - I've now made 4 batches of cheese and thrown the whey away every time #blush Just updated my blog about the Goats Cheese making kit http://www.foodiequine.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/who-let-goats-out.html


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