Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Mojito Shoe

Say hello to the Mojito shoe. It's a single twist of material that looks more like a brush stroke, curled ribbon, or conceptual art piece. These are seriously beautiful shoes, but they're not destined to languish on your shelf or Pinterest board - they're wearable and don't cost a millionty pounds.

They make more sense when you learn they were designed by an architect, Julian Hakes. He wrapped tracing paper round his foot and worked out that shoes only need to support the ball and heel of the foot. He called his squiggly prototype the Mojito as it resembled the curl of lime in the cocktail (oh Mr Hakes, you are a man after our own hearts), and was overwhelmed by people clamouring to buy them.

Three years later, you can buy them from Schuh. Yes, a high street shop, not a tiny London boutique with snobby assistants and a three-month waiting list. A shop that offers student discount and takes Paypal.

CRUCIAL QUESTION #1: can you wear them for longer than car-to-bar? Online reviews from shoppers report they're light, airy and comfortable. They're not style over substance - they're designed to support your feet, and come with a memory foam padded lining.

CRUCIAL QUESTION #2: how much are they? They're £155, making them expensive but not as ludicrously unattainable as you might expect.

The Mojito shoe comes in six colourways in sizes 3-8. Go and have a gawp. They're so intriguing I'm going to have to try a pair on to see how they work. Might wait til after payday as I fear this may be instant love.


  1. Wow, they remind me of some shoes I have that were given to me by my mother and that I only wore once! They're still in my wardrobe *goes compare*

    1. Cor, really? I've never seen anything like them before. Are yours comfortable?

  2. I truly have never seen an uglier pair of shoes.

    1. Then, my friend, you have clearly never seen a pair of Crocs.

  3. I've stared at them a lot, and I think I want to love them. But I don't. I think the plastic puts me off.

    1. Yes, I get that. I'm just impressed by the structure and design more than anything. I need my quirky shoe fix now that Irregular Choice has gone full-on panto.

    2. Aaah, whereas I prefer Poetic License. Still unusually, just not batshit crazy.

  4. Dorothy, eat your heart out. Now thats a shoe to fight the witch over. lol

  5. where can u get them in India??

  6. I have just bought a pair of these and although they look divine ....they are so painful to wear no give in them at all ...And i have only walked on the carpet with them on..And already made a painful dint in my toe ...Yes you have guessed it they are going back ...So i would save your money anyone that's thinking of buying a pair ..Unless of course you have wardrobe space for a couple of ornaments

  7. I bought those shoes very unusual but not comfortable my toes keep sliding out

  8. I've got two pairs of these and both are excruciating to wear. If you can get past the sitting to standing bit, that is. As soon as weight is transferred to the ball of your foot all circulation is cut off to the big toe by the front bar. Gorgeous to look at and sit about in but as shoes go, these are useless!!

    1. Why did you buy two pairs if they were so uncomfortable?


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