Wednesday 11 December 2013

Win! Gorgeous Tunnock's Goodies from Quince Living

On the ninth day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me... Tunnock's goodies from Quince Living!

There's a big part of our Christmas that's dedicated to the Tunnock's. Finally being able to crack into the Christmas treats on Christmas eve, we'll always reach for a Caramel wafer. They're one of the best chocolate bars. They also make for some very lovely homewares. We've been a fan of Gillian Kyle's Tunnock's range and thanks to our sponsors Quince Living, we've got some of her pieces to give away to one luck winner - a gorgeous Caramel wafer cushion and a bone china Teacake Mug.

What do you have to do to get these prizes from our cold dead hands win these goodies? Then just do one (or all!) of the following:

  • Leave a comment below telling us what your favourite Christmas treat is. Do you go straight for the Roses or are you more of a marzipan fruit fan? (Do you put to wrappers back in the box? If so, we hate you.)
  • Like us on Facebook and then or comment on our Facebook competition entry. It'll go live in a minute, we drank lots of red wine last night.
  • Sign up to our newsletter using the box to your right. You'll get a £60 wine voucher when you do, regardless of whether or not you win!
  • Follow us on Pinterest and pin one of these lovely pieces (making sure you link back to this post so we can see your entries).
We'll pick a winner at random and announce in tomorrow's competition. Good luck everyone!

PS - wondering who won the gorgeous Karen Mabon scarf? That was Lazy Jane who entered via Twitter. Lazy Jane, just email us or shout at us on Twitter to claim your prize!

Oh goody! Small print (please read it). The competition will close at midnight (UK time) 11 December 2013. You must be UK based to enter, sorry you lovely overseas readers. If you're anon, your comment entry won't count and if you enter with lots of comments or a barrage of Facebook comments and tweets, we'll discount all of your entries and tell you off. The winning entry will be chosen at random and you must claim your prize within 48 hours otherwise we'll pass it on to someone else. We're not allowed to enter our own competitions but if you're not careful, Siany will eat all of your mint Viscounts within minutes of them being opened.


  1. My favourite Christmas treat has to be either my super special homemade sticky gingerbread or a big box of rose & violet creams. YUM!

  2. A Terry's Chocolate Orange - I only ever have one at Christmas so I savour each segment!

  3. I already subscribe to your fab newsletter!

  4. I have pinned:

  5. I am a Facebook fan (Tracy K Nixon) and will comment on your post as soon as it goes live - not there at the mo!

  6. My favourite treat is either a Terry's Chocolate Orange or Christmas cake - it's definitely a tough call! Delicious.

  7. Chocolate covered German gingerbread with unidentifiable jam in the middle - mmmm!

  8. I have pinned the gorgeous cushion:

  9. my christmas treat os roasted chestnuts- luckily the rest of my family aren't that keen so I can just sit in the corner and much away all by myself.

  10. My favourite Christmas treat is a Sherbert Dib Dab which I have had for Christmas breakfast every year since I was very small.

  11. Bacon sandwich on Xmas morning, Baileys while I'm wrapping Xmas Eve.

  12. It has to be the Lindt Xmas bear... tap his bell for a satisfying ding, then unwrap... eat his head (mwah ha haaa) and then pull apart his body and savour every piece as it melts on my tongue... Can you tell I am on a diet?!... So looking forward to this treat ; )
    Miss Sue Flay

  13. Favourite Christmas treat? Got to be Wensleysdale and cranberry cheese on crackers!

  14. I LOVE Anton Berg Cherry in In Rum Marzipans....They are so expensive and so rich and so DELICIOUS :)

  15. My favourite treat is the chocolate-dipped peanut butter balls that my grandmother used to make. Now the recipe has been passed down. They are the yummiest and the most decadent thing she would ever make! Yum :)

  16. Well I'm quite partial to a wafer cushion (really if I was lucky enough to win I'd send photographic evidence), failing that we usually race for the strawberry creams, and I'll be making a bucket load of snickerdoodles, and Delia smith sausage rolls, yum! :)

  17. Being able to drink (insert alcoholic drink of preference) from breakfast is the best treat a mum of two small children could dream of!

  18. In our house the only accompaniment to the ceremonial opening of the presents is a big box of Terry's York Fruits and a glass of bubbly. Beautiful, sparkling, fruity, jelly jewels - just the thing for a Christmas morning.

  19. My all time favourite is Stollen. I make my own, so I can eat it all year round if I want, but try not to as it makes Christmas all the more special!!

  20. Best prize yet :) Do I have more chance if I promise to be nice and give the mug to my Tunnocks Teacake-obsessed sister?

    Candy canes are my Christmas treat of choice - minty and sugary and with colour that gets all over your hands but utterly delicious. I'm also a big fan of working my way through a Terry's Chocolate Orange on Boxing Day whilst reading my Christmas books and then feeling slightly sick afterwards (but it's worth it!)

  21. I eat my nan's homemade Xmas pudding. None other compares.

  22. I am partial to the apricot hearts from Lidl. And teacakes of course.

    I never put the wrappers back. That should be a capital offence.

  23. Those jelly sweets that look like slices of oranges and come in a wheel of goodness. There were pear and peach, watermelon and grapefruit ones. We always gave the the grapefruit ones to our parents. But I haven't seen them for a few years now. :( Marzipan in quantity makes up for it.

  24. Firstly: A Tunnock is for life, not just for Christmas! What are you thinking??!!!

    My favourite Christmas treat are dates stuffed with walnuts. Mostly because it makes us all laugh - my granddad would always make a joke about going on a date with a walnut whenever we had them :) It makes me laugh even now and think of him - and they are pretty delicious too!

  25. Mulled Wine! Sod the chocolate!

  26. Lebkuchen - My grandma always buys me a ginormous (technical term) bag and gives me them to unwrap before Christmas so I can eat them all during the festive period nom nom nom :)

  27. This is impossible as I love all Christmas treats (bar turron as I made a shed load the other year and ate it all myself). Id say a cheeky piece of homemade christmas cake

  28. Nothing says Christmas to me as much as those little octagonal boxes of sugar encrusted sweets disguised as oranges and lemons with a big circular orange piece in the middle, which we all used to fight over (and sadly still do). My dad always wins that fight. Now I have 'Oranges and lemons say the bells of St Clements' in my head...

  29. We go a little sweet crazy in our house at Christmas but the best has probably got to be homemade orangettes (candied orange peel dipped in chocolate), with German marzipan-gingerbread coming a close second.

  30. Dancake mini rum truffle cakes. They are my kryptonite & i'm fairly certain i put on a stone of purely truffle cake based weight over the holidays. Siany is welcome to my mint viscounts - my dad brought a PALLET of them home from work one Christmas and they were the only biscuits in my house for a year. I give them a very wide berth now.

  31. Proper crumbly, homemade coconut ice always makes an appearance at my parents this time of year.... yum.

  32. Bacon, pancakes and maple syrup

  33. When it comes to traditional christmas treats, I can't stand christmas cake or christmas pudding, but a good old mince pie with a cup of tea always leaves me feeling christmassy

  34. I blinking love mince pies at Christmas time xx

  35. Mince Pies or Christmas Pudding - love them both and make me feel proper Christmassy!! Though a Tunnocks Tea Cake would be welcomed ALL year round :-)

  36. There is nothing more Christmassy than a lovely mince pie, smothered in clotted cream! xx

  37. Got to be the stolen! What makes the icing sugar on the top? It is no ordinary icing sugar!! x

  38. Mince pies for breakfast. WHAT?!? They're basically just fruit!!!

  39. Brandy butter - my daughter makes fantastic brandy butter. Break open a puff pastry mince pie and slather with gorgeous, boozy dairy product... just don't mention cholesterol, right! ;-P

  40. My fave Christmas treat has to be the Celebrations. Love them mini choccies.

    As an aside, I was the president of the Tunnocks Caramel Wafer Appreciation Society while I was a student at St Andrews. We went on a yearly visit to the factory, and I assure you it's better than anything Willy Wonka could offer!

  41. After Eights have to be high up on my list, for sheer tradition and the satisfaction guaranteed from filling a box with empty wrappers- ain't nothin' like the sound of a hand swooshing increasingly desperately through a sea of chocolate-less packets. A friend also recently introduced me to a rather brilliant ersatz Christmas pudding, which children are guaranteed to love. Freeze a bowl full of double cream, as much lemon zest as you can bung in, walnuts and mincemeat (a little nod to the original pud there...) and, once solid, tip it out and cover with milk chocolate. Once that has solidified, pop a little white chocolate and some glace cherries on top, and you have a dessert that looks just like a Christmas pudding... and tastes a million times better.

  42. Hi, my favourite treat at chistmas is mince pies and clotted cream. I know it's a bit boring but I love them.


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