Monday 14 March 2011

Blogs We Love: Tiny-Ass Apartment

Tiny-Ass Apartment (English trans: 'Goodness Me, Isn't My Flat Absolutely Tiny?'*) is the perfect antidote to those lifestyle blogs featuring living rooms the size of my entire flat and gardens you could host the FA Cup in. Tiny-ass apartment dweller Simone writes on all aspects of living in a small space, from where to hang frames when you have no wall space to creating a mini office to finding extra storage in a teeny kitchen.

It's not about minimalism, because Tiny-Ass Apartment loves furniture and trinkets almost as much as the Domestic Sluts, but being clever and creative with the space you have. "I'm happy with my stuff," she writes, "and you should be too." Sure, most of the links go to American shops, but it's the ideas that are important. Whether it's dealing with odd-shaped rooms, decorating a rented flat without annoying your landlord or choosing a colour scheme, there's something to inspire you no matter how much time, energy and money you want to devote to transforming your home.

*unless you're an estate agent where it'd be 'Charming Bijou Dwelling Space'


  1. The second I saw your site's name I knew I would love it. And I do! Thanks for the shout-out. ;-)

  2. *waves* Hi Simone! I'm drooling over those exposed brick photos on your site now.

  3. Yay! Links to shops in the US and it's for people who are "house challenged". Thanks Sara


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