It's not long since I discovered Inca Starzinsky's work, her shadow puppet jewellery is one of my favourite discoveries of 2011. But then I saw her Par Avion stamp scarves. And I have to tell you about the stamp scarves.
Hundreds of stamps were used to create the scarves. They were sorted into colour groups before being digitally printed onto silk.
The brown is my favourite, it's got a more old fashioned feel than the others. The stamps are all used, so you get lovely postmarks on your scarf too.
Isn't the green on eye-catching? The scarves aren't cheap, but they are 100% and hand sewn so you're getting a good-quality garment for your £90. I'm absolutely blown away by Inca's work, I think it's excellent. You can by these at Howkapow, who always have rather wonderful taste in stuff.
Those are hot. I'd wear them if I could spare 90 euros for just scarves.