Thursday 28 June 2012

Bottle Green Homes Vintage

Bottle Green Homes are hiding secrets. Amongst their cushions and mugs and tea towels, they're hiding unusual vintage goodies that aren't all eleventy billion pounds. I want them. I want them all.

Is there a finer thing in the world of cooking than melted chocolate? Once you've got chocolate bubbling away on the hob (never microwave, it'll burn and you'll be mad), you know you're making something amazing. I know it's not Easter, but imagine if I didn't show you this Easter egg mould and then someone else bought it and then you just had Easter eggs from Asda. That would be very sad indeed.

If you want this silver-plated cocktail shaker, you're going to have to beat Nick to it. It's only £50 - some of the shakers from John Lewis are pricier than that.

You have absolutely no need for a vintage key. I know that. You still want it, don't you? It's £6. I've seen them priced online for £20.

I live in South London, I have no need for East London signs, but this reclaimed Brick Lane sign is very cool (the Hoxton Square sign less so, obviously), and £80 doesn't seem all that pricey.

Bottle Green Homes is a cute site, but I'm going to be skipping their new stuff and lurking about their vintage section.


  1. Thank you for your lovely feature. I have to confess it is my favourite part of my job, hunting down the treasure!

    1. It *is* fun being a professional treasure hunter!

    2. He he he, I'll have to add that to my CV!

  2. I want that sign!
    And everyone needs old keys. I can't believe they can cost as much as £20 though, unless they have historical significance of course! I buy lots for my jewellery making from flea markets and car boots.... they are not as shiny as that one though!

    1. I know, I'm sometimes really shocked with some of the prices out there. I've seen old/nothing special keys for £20.00 as well. The cost vintage tea cups is another bug bear! At christmas I make tea cup candles but it is always such a struggle to find reasonably priced trio's....


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