This is my lunch. Nom. |
Having spent the last week existing primarily on bread or Pringles while rehearsing for the Olympics Opening Ceremony tomorrow -
I'm sorry, I'm a bore, but it is so amazing - I practically fell over in joy this morning when
Wychwood Deli sent me a delivery of deli goodies that involved MAXIMUM cheese and minimal flour. I headed off to the supermarket, bought some
Finn Crisp (best accompaniment biscuit in the history of ever, and I traitorously say that as a Carr descendant) and some grapes, then doled it out to the office so I didn't eat it all and explode.
The Wychwood Deli website is very well done - like a more relaxed, portable version of the Harrods Food Hall. Brimming with hams, pies, charcuterie, cheeses, as well as groceries, condiments, and exotic tea and coffee. (On a web nerd note, their homepage carousel is amazing - the most delicious-looking photographs of edibles). They've got a really lovely
food gifts section, and postage for everything up to £75 is £5.95, after that, it's free.
So, what was in my bag of fun? Oh my God, I really hope you've eaten.
I fell passionately in love with
Barkham Blue, winner of the Best Blue Cheese at the 2011 British Cheese Awards (and don't you just love the fact that we have a cheese awards? Who knew!). I adore a blue cheese, the stronger and more frightening the better, but there's nothing scary about the Barkham Blue: it's the orange and blue one on the right of the picture, just below the Finn Crisp. It's got a fabulously unctuous flavour, rich and tangy with a real smoothness that stops it going over the top. Prices start at £4.50 for 150g up to £26.95 for a whole.
Mario Costa Gorgonzola was almost walking off the plate and thus almost impossible to get out of its pretty blue paper wrapping - very French. This was a real hit with my office; a gorgeous flavour and that real Italian thump. A 250g serving is £4.95.
Cotswold Wild Boar Salami had my mouth watering - I seriously love pig products - but was too over-peppered for me and I'd have preferred thicker slices, and due to being an olive denier, I had to leave it up to the rest of my office to rave about the
Castelvetrano green olives (£3.95). Divine, apparently, but ultimately no good to me what with being olives.
I was joyously surprised by the
Montgomery Cheddar (£3.95 - £11.45). Far from the ghastly, sweating accountant cheddars I suffered at school, this is a real manly, sit-up-and-bark cheese: a lovely strong flavour and a texture that's on the crumbly side and as far away from squeaky as you can get. Word of warning however: it tastes atrocious if you should be silly enough to return to it after a mouthful of blue.
They offer a 10% discount to Twitter fans,
just head to their page for the discount code.