Thursday 5 July 2012

Design Porn: Karl Zahn Wooden Animal Boxes

Yeah yeah, more cute animals. If we carry on, the Domestic Sluttery archives are going to start to resemble Zooborns. This is No Bad Thing. Let's have a look at these gorgeous wooden jewellery boxes from the eco design shop e-side.

I absolutely need my jewellery and secret things in a rhino jewellery box. These little guys are designed by American designer Karl Zahn. He's rather clever and clearly likes his animals cute.

Maybe I need Mr Bull. He'd totally protect my diamonds*. Clever thinking.

The whale is cute! But what's that to the left? A llama box? Yep. I need that one to go with my llama biscuits. Mr Llama isn't available on e-side (presumably they've sold out of that particular stock of awesome), but I have found him on Aram.

Yep, he's definitely my favourite. How much for this little guy?  Well that's a little zoo-quandary. The boxes are £45 on e-side, but they're reduced slightly on Aram, so they're just £38.25. BUT, postage on Aram is a little pricier at £7.50 and some of their designs aren't available immediately and you'll have to wait 4-6 weeks. I'm not sure I can wait that long for something clearly so awesome.

Pick your favourite, choose where to buy and display him somewhere lovely. Don't blame me if you suddenly start a little menagerie.

*Paste costume jewellery, obvs.

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