Thursday 5 July 2012

Sluttery Travels: The Pop-Up Hotel

There are pop ups popping up everywhere. London seems particularly more full of pop ups than it is pop up books (a ratio that frankly needs to swing back the other way). Some of them are great and a while ago they were exciting, but it's all a little bit 'so what?' these days.

And then there's the Pop Up Hotel. And I really want to stay here.

The Pop Up Hotel has popped up a few places since its launch in 2011, but in a couple of weeks it'll be popped up outside the River Cottage in Devon, looking very swish indeed.

The Pop Up Hotel are canny - they've got to mix a sexy boutique hotel with the romance of sleeping under a canvas tent in a sunny location. But with English weather. That's not at all easy, but with a clever design and some gorgeous interiors, I think they've cracked it. For a start, their rooms have interiors. No tent I've ever stayed in has had that little luxury. Unless you count a pillow fashioned out of seven coats and the grumpy look on my face.

The Pop Up Hotel is popping up at a few events over the summer and if you're lucky enough to bag a River Cottage date, it's about £500 for three nights. Don't think of it as a very expensive campsite, it's more than that. It's a boutique hotel that be folded up and taken to another destination for someone else to have adventures in.

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