Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Etsy Pick: Classic Book Brooches from House Of Ismay

People don't wear brooches enough. Once upon a time my nan's generation wouldn't leave the house without one, but I've never found one nice enough to start making them a staple part of my attire.

Then I stumbled upon House of Ismay on Etsy.

They have fashioned a whole range of brooches from pages of classic books, and cut them into shapes to match the book. I'm in love!

This Kafka Metamorphoses brooch will be ideal for days when I'm feeling kind of kooky and adventurous. It's just gorgeous.

On misty days in London, I'm going to wear this Sherlock Holmes pipe brooch, whilst make immaculately spot-on judgements about people and talking incredibly fast like I am a genius.

If I feel like making someone an offer they can't refuse then this Godfather brooch is perfect.

If I want to be all wise and courageous, or talk about chifforobes or something, then the To Kill A Mockingbird brooch is the one for me. Plus it's a very pretty bird shape.

All of the brooches listed above are £8.00 and - amazingly - there's no additional postage. Winner.


  1. Oh gosh, I love them. How splendid.

  2. kafka's 'metamorphosis' is one of my all time favorite stories. LOVE this concept.

  3. I love this. I also love how House of Ismay sounds a bit like House of Dismay which is also an excellent name for a badge shop.

  4. Hey, you might be interested to know House Of Ismay also sell through our site:

    They're lovely. :)

  5. Oh my goodness. These are amazing! Such a clever idea. Bargain too.

    I love the Swallows and Amazons one.


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