Tuesday 6 November 2012

Hey, good hooking: design savvy coat hooks

It's been a big decision for my little flat.

Picking out coat hooks.

You may mock but I know I'm not alone in this: Kat has also bemoaned the state of coat racks. In general they are dull and expensive. A killer combo.

The first problem: why do they all need to look the same? The same kind of dull metal hook that's been with you from primary school to the back of the loo door at work. Wouldn't it be better if they looked a bit more exciting? Nothing like a hook and something like a ... doughnut?

Something along those lines must have been going through the heads of the designers at All Lovely Stuff when they came up with these doughnut coat hooks from All Lovely Stuff. Shaped and coloured like Homer Simpson's favourite snack, as the image says they're 'NEW' from the brand, and they would add a sweet touch to your storage options. £24.95 buys you three. For more lovely stuff from All Lovely Stuff, check out the Moose coat rack too. (TIP: entering "All Lovely Stuff" into our site search box basically pulls up the whole of the site. That's a lot of lovely stuff)

Another problem: who says coat hooks need to be so hook shaped?

Certainly not Daniel Schofield. He was annoyed by the crease left in his clothes by the sharp point of a conventional hook, so invented coat eggs. They look like eggs, they come in their own box like egg but screw into your wall creating a smooth surface from which to hang your coat. Made from solid beech, you can get the set for £45 from the FAO Shop.

And my final problem with coat hooks: why do they have to look so ugly?

That's why I finally hooked up with this little set from Chocolate Creative. Each wooden hook is decorated with a charmingly old-fashioned image of a different cross-stitch flower: pick from red, pink or orange. And I'm pleased to report they look mighty attractive in my hallway - in my opinion well worth the £15 I paid for each of them. Only problem is, they're just so pretty I'm having issues about covering them up.


  1. haha oh no no I hope you get to use them, but I know what you mean, I have the same set in my corridor and the new english romantic in my bedroom for neckless, light scarfs, belts, but the rest are all over with scarfs, coats, shirts you name it...Thanks for the mention on the blog and getting them!

  2. I'm sorry, I don't understand the egg hooks. Don't the slippy linings mean your coat would just fall straight on the floor?

    1. Ah, but they sit at an angle to the wall, so your bag strap (or whatever) goes securely behind the egg. (that doesn't explain it very well - there's a piccy on the website http://www.fao-shop.com/designers/daniel-schofield/coat-eggs.html)

  3. Hi,
    Just to let you know your doughnut hooks links all go to the Chocolatecreative website instead.
    Those doughnut hooks look highly nom nom nom to me!

    1. Oops, all updated now. Thanks for letting me know.

  4. As much as I hate to say it, Anthropologie does some divine hooks. Why do I hate to say it? Because I know their website is a portal to sure-fire overdrawn bank accounts!


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