Monday 5 November 2012

Cute or Creepy? Kyle Hopkins Jewellery

Kyle Hopkins isn't the first jewellery designer I've written about who likes to work with little tiny people. Remember Selda Okutan's jewellery? It seems I've got a thing for little people making mischief with design (look at Alice Mara's hanging people, just look at them!) Kyle's explanation of his work means that for me, the pieces just sneak into the creepy category - "The intention is for each piece to exist as an extension of the wearer, and speak silently on their behalf, telling a story."

Silent little people hanging about your person? That's quite chilling, Hopkins. But I think I like it.

I just get the feeling that they'd whisper stuff in your ears when you were waiting for the bus. Maybe they'd be all good guy/bad guy and tell you to do things you probably shouldn't. That's pretty damn creepy for a pair of silver earrings.

This Jack & Rose ring isn't creepy at all. It's just brilliant. I totally want a little bicycling couple on my finger. It's definitely my favourite piece from the range and it's £221.

Oh, nothing. Just a little man tied to my finger in rope. Yeah, this piece is quite sinister. This little fella is £238. Careful, you might hear him scream.

Cufflinks seem to (very unfairly) be men only, which is a shame. Because I'd like nothing more than little tiny rows of people attached to my shirts. I think the range (all available from Kabiri) is creepy, but definitely very cool and I think I want that bicycle ring for my birthday.


  1. Is it only me that thinks the rope ringed man would be the most amazing engagement ring?? :D

    1. Erm... yes! They're gorgeous pieces though, aren't they?

    2. I think it's the PERFECT engagement ring!!!

  2. Haha! Obviously just my sick sense of humour then! They are very cool. The workmanship is beautiful.


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