Monday 5 November 2012

Sluttery For Cats: Cat Teepee

My cat, Curly C For Cat The Cat, is a pain in the ass at times. She's stinky and frequently tries to sit on my arms between me and my laptop resulting in either no work being done or her sulking with me until I crack and shower her with affection. Regardless, I love her and what better way to show that love than buying her her own teepee.

Look at it! A little house for cats! Somewhere small that they can go and hide away and have a nap. I'll admit, I would love one big enough for me to go and hide away to have a nap in but if Curly C had one then there'd be more space for me on the sofa (seriously, how does something so small take up so much room? See also, babies.). The patterned canvas comes in two different colours and patterns - the blue one pictured and red. The red one looks very festive indeed.

This is an extravagance at £78 but I can't help but love it. Want to spoil your feline friend? Head on over to Free People.


  1. I love it, but I know my cat would knock it over and then resume her position on my lap, breathing cat food breath at me while I try and type.

  2. See those teepee sticks? Baxter the kitten would play with those, and sharpen his claws down the rest until it all fell apart. Then he'd sit on top of the pile of mess, looking very pleased with himself.

  3. I showed this to Cookie, our house guest cat, and she scratched her nose on the corner of my phone. I'm fairly sure that's approval.

  4. Cats would honestly ignore the teepee and sit in the box it came in, just to mess with you.

  5. They would indeed ignore it. Or sleep just outside it. Contrary little furballs. I still love it though.

  6. I would love that but I can see already the (not so tiny) dog trying to get in and wear the thing around the house like a blindfold hat...


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