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Thursday 7 May 2009

Craft Guerrilla Crafternoon

Now, I'm not all crafty like some of the other Sluts. Granted, I can whip up a bit of bling while watching Sex and The City, but I can't knit or crochet for toffee. I've tried, but it's just not very me. BUT! Those sneaky people at Craft Guerrilla might have found a way to make crafty things appeal to me.

They've put crafts in the pub.

Crafternoon is a monthly event at The Old Queens Head on the Essex Road in Angel. Now for a start that's a pretty cool pub. And they're really nice at Craft Guerrilla. They do nights at The Make Lounge too. And they make being crafty really easy.

The next event is on Saturday from 2-5pm. It's actually free to attend, and you can take your own knitting and stuff. It's the little craft kits they sell that appeal most to me. Most of them are around a fiver, and I could be making a fascinator one minute, or embroidering a Domestic Sluttery tea towel the next. Oooh, our own interiors collection.

And if I really am rubbish and keep pricking my finger, I'll just drink wine instead.

Flickr image from Volantra's photostream.


  1. I went to this. It was fabby! I learnt to needlefelt and met some people :)

  2. I'm so pleased it was good. We're actually planning no going to the next one. You get to find out on Monday where we were instead...


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