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Monday 3 September 2012

Sluttishly Savoury: Arundel Mullet

We couldn't have Sussex week and ignore the amazing fish you can get on the coast. Arundel is a few miles inland, but mullet manage to make their way up the river Arun. Grey mullet is worth tracking down for its distinctive flavour - strong and earthy - but if you can't find it, this sauce makes a delicious, robust accompaniment to any chunky white fish. Try seabass if you're feeling flash, the humble pollack if not.

The mullet was originally boiled to remove any mud. An old recipe advises making the sauce with half the cooking water, or "fresh lightly salted water if any hint of mud is detected". Thankfully, you're unlikely to get a muddy fillet from your local fishmonger or supermarket, making this recipe incredibly straightforward.

Arundel mullet (serves 2)

You will need:
  • 1 grey mullet, or two fillets of white fish
  • Half a lemon
  • Glass of red wine
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • Herbs to season - I used 1 tsp dried thyme, and a bunch of fresh rosemary and fresh parsley
Make it!
  1. Gently boil the fish in lightly salted water for around 15 minutes, or around 5 minutes if you've got a fillet. Remove the fish and keep it warm. I popped mine on a plate with a smaller plate inverted over it.
  2. Tip away half the water. Add the other ingredients - wine, squeeze of lemon juice, onion, capers, nutmeg and herbs - and simmer until the onions are soft and the sauce has thickened up a little.
  3. Pour the sauce over the fish and serve.

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