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Thursday 7 November 2013

Design Porn: Märta Mattsson


Apparently, someone once told Märta Mattson that she made jewellery for children, rather than adults. I'm not sure what kind of heavily-walleted kids these are - these are pricey, in some cases extremely so - but I think these limited edition pieces are simply charming.

That seahorses brooch is made from silver, lacquer and something called copper electroforming which I don't understand but which sounds pretty snazzy. There are only three. Naive, pure fun jewellery - lovely. A change from my beloved "all of the things, all at once - or pearls" jewellery.

Originally from Stockholm, she trained in Gothenburg, Tokyo and London and draws inspiration from playing with stuffed animals and, um, slugs as a kid. Well, didn't we all.  I'm pretty sure I had a pet snail for about half an hour that I tried to train. It was not a success.

Her classmates called her stuff ‘KimoKawaii’, which is a combination of kawaii (cute) and kimoi (disgusting). Discuteing? Cutegusting? Enough. KimoKawaii wins.

There aren't any slugs in her range, but plenty of beetles and bugs. This beetle brooch is made of walnut and birch woods, goatskin and silver. It comes in an edition of 20.

I didn't have the slightest clue what a cicada was before I started reading Snugglepot and Cuddlepie as a kid. I'm still not entirely sure - I think I thought they were a bit like crickets. The green cicada necklace is made of walnut wood and silver. That green colour? Wallpaper! Amazing.


It's also one of 20, and you can get it in plain wood too, and also with a mere two cicadas if three feels excessive.

Moving on from bugs to some flowers - these are all made from silver, plastic sheet and resin (mmm, delicious plastic sheet). How about this necklace?

Or maybe you're an earrings girl.

There's a few Sluttery types who would really suit this ring.

And now! On to the last, best and weirdest.

This is my favourite, simply for existing*.

It's a sperm mouse.

What the? No idea. Just let the fact that someone has invented a sperm mouse fill your mind.

Think on. It's made of silver. I just - yes. Ok then! Sperm mice are go.

*but for God's sake please don't actually get it for me


  1. oh wow. just wow. at least it is not called mouse sperm

    1. That's some spectacular silver lining work going on there, Jude.

  2. We love her work, these are the first semi-commercial pieces she has made. They are a limited series and is delighted to be showcasing and presenting this work. It's unique, one-off and wow! We love it and hope you do too...


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