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Monday 25 January 2010

Fifties Floral at Graham & Green

I'm not a fan of the chintzy sofas. Don't get me wrong, I love florals. But just in small doses. Done well. And I'm not sure that throwing flowers over a sofa is ever a good idea. It's a pretty bold thing to do in a room. Everything else you put in there has to compliment, and that's not an easy look to pull off.

But, these fifities floral cushions from Graham & Green are perfect (starting at £29). They nod to the floral trend without being over powering. You can still decorate your room in whatever colour you like (although a pink would work very well) and mix and match with other cushions. These are the most boyfriend-friendly florals you'll ever find.


  1. These are so meeeee! I love these! Thanks :)

  2. They remind me of a carpet my parents had back in the early 80s which is a good thing (I think). Very pretty!


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