We've been a little bit nostalgic around these parts recently. It's Kat's fault. One mention of My Little Ponies and we're reminiscing well into another bottle of wine. But what toys did the Domestic Sluts play with when they were little? Here's a little peek into our childhood.
Siany: I only had one My Little Pony. I had Bowtie and I loved him so. He was more special because I only had one. I bought a little vintage one on eBay for £3.65 a couple of years ago, and now he sits above my bed.
Kat: My brother and I were obsessed with Playmobil and Lego. Our parents gave us each a piece of plywood which we painted and used as our countries. Mine had a long, grey road (for convertibles) a huge blue splodge of a pool for holidays and endless fields for showjumping competitions and Good Living. I was big on the ponies. My childhood friend Olivia had 120 My Little Ponies and gave me a new one each birthday. I was so overcome by how cool that girl was that I named my new teddy bear after her. I don’t have the ponies or the Lego with me anymore, but I’ve still got Olivia!
Michelle: My very favourite toy was a Wonder Woman doll who came complete with a whole briefcase full of superhero gadgets. Unfortunately my Wonder Woman obsession resulted in a far amount of bruising, both to my body and my ego, due to an excessive amount of spinning in a vain attempt to emulate my heroine.
Siany: I only had one My Little Pony. I had Bowtie and I loved him so. He was more special because I only had one. I bought a little vintage one on eBay for £3.65 a couple of years ago, and now he sits above my bed.
Kat: My brother and I were obsessed with Playmobil and Lego. Our parents gave us each a piece of plywood which we painted and used as our countries. Mine had a long, grey road (for convertibles) a huge blue splodge of a pool for holidays and endless fields for showjumping competitions and Good Living. I was big on the ponies. My childhood friend Olivia had 120 My Little Ponies and gave me a new one each birthday. I was so overcome by how cool that girl was that I named my new teddy bear after her. I don’t have the ponies or the Lego with me anymore, but I’ve still got Olivia!
Carrie: For me, it had to be my ViewMaster. I'm pretty sure I spent most of 1989 seeing the world almost exclusively through that thing. My favourites were the He-Man and Littlest Hobo series of pictures; although for the life of me I can't think why! I was utterly delighted to take my kids to Jamie Oliver's restaurant here in Brighton recently, only for their menus to come in ViewMaster-form. Genius!
Frances: I had a fantastic Lundby dolls house. They were a Swedish company who made fabulous modern looking dolls houses - in fact if they made them grown-up size, it would probably be my dream home. I was very enthusiastic about decorating but at that age my design aesthetic hadn't fully reached its potential - I covered all the 70s style Scandinavian wallpaper with ornate Victoriana designs and tore out the amazing red and pine kitchen and replaced it with some chintzy furniture instead. It's still stored away, waiting to be passed on if I ever have a kid. I'm hoping they'll have a bit more advanced taste in decor than I had.
Frances: I had a fantastic Lundby dolls house. They were a Swedish company who made fabulous modern looking dolls houses - in fact if they made them grown-up size, it would probably be my dream home. I was very enthusiastic about decorating but at that age my design aesthetic hadn't fully reached its potential - I covered all the 70s style Scandinavian wallpaper with ornate Victoriana designs and tore out the amazing red and pine kitchen and replaced it with some chintzy furniture instead. It's still stored away, waiting to be passed on if I ever have a kid. I'm hoping they'll have a bit more advanced taste in decor than I had.
Michelle: My very favourite toy was a Wonder Woman doll who came complete with a whole briefcase full of superhero gadgets. Unfortunately my Wonder Woman obsession resulted in a far amount of bruising, both to my body and my ego, due to an excessive amount of spinning in a vain attempt to emulate my heroine.
Sara: I had a spoon that I used to take to the local sandpit every Sunday and dig endless holes. I loved that spoon. Shortly after that I became far more materialistic and demanded a My Little Pony Dream Castle, which was an absolute travesty of pink plastic. It was like Barbara Cartland had exploded. I adored it.
Sel: My absolute favourite toys were my She-Ra dolls. It seemed like I dragged my poor mum around every toy shop in the country trying to get every single one - plus all the sidekicks like Swift Wind. I even got her secret hideaway called Crystal Falls which helped make the best Christmas ever. There was just one that eluded me though and although I can't remember which it was now, it still annoys me! But thanks Mum for managing to find all the others!
Alex E: I was also a My Little Pony girl. There was only one word for it. Obsessed. Good old Cherries Jubilee and I had so many adventures. And any story I wrote at school invariably featured a unicorn, a pegasus and me. I also had a brief flirtation with Sylvanian Families, but in the end I always came back to my luridly coloured equine pals.
Flickr image from huldero's photostream.
Sel: My absolute favourite toys were my She-Ra dolls. It seemed like I dragged my poor mum around every toy shop in the country trying to get every single one - plus all the sidekicks like Swift Wind. I even got her secret hideaway called Crystal Falls which helped make the best Christmas ever. There was just one that eluded me though and although I can't remember which it was now, it still annoys me! But thanks Mum for managing to find all the others!
Alex E: I was also a My Little Pony girl. There was only one word for it. Obsessed. Good old Cherries Jubilee and I had so many adventures. And any story I wrote at school invariably featured a unicorn, a pegasus and me. I also had a brief flirtation with Sylvanian Families, but in the end I always came back to my luridly coloured equine pals.
Flickr image from huldero's photostream.
This is hilarious! Love it! A walk down memory lane. I too had a My Little Pony, AND a baby My Little Pony as well (which I sort of disliked because its eyes were WAY too big).
ReplyDeleteI also had Lego, which ROCKED. We had a huge plastic box and every time we'd get a lego set, all the pieces would go into it. I would spend hours making intricate castles or spaceships with trapdoors and dungeons and secret entrances.
Meanwhile my little brother would build a massive solid block of lego bricks, put wheels on it, and ram it into whatever I'd just made.
Sylvanian Families for me. I had the bears. My friend had loads of them, and a huge house for them, so I used to love playing round hers.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Polly Pocket, although I think I had a cheap knock off version :(
Mine was a View Master- and my favourite story was a scary My Little Pony one!
ReplyDeleteSpace Hopper!!
ReplyDeleteI had a trusty Spacehopper too, my two sisters and I would create show jumps around the garden and stage the World Showjumping on spacehoppers complete with net curtain tails tucked into our trousers. Couldn't afford real ponies and my little pony had yet to be invented. Ah the hours of fun and no cellulite to be seen - still forty odd years later - must have been good for us...
ReplyDeleteOh I loved My Little Pony so much. I was also (and still am) a big fan of Sylvanian Families (although I pronounced it "Civilian"...) I enjoyed Big Yellow Teapot a lot, too. But I was not a fan of Cabbage Patch Kids. *shudder* (Just really dated myself there, didn't I?)
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous of Sara's spoon
ReplyDeleteIt was a good spoon. We had many adventures.
ReplyDeleteCherries Jubilee was my most beloved possession! Apparently (although I have no recollection of this) I HAD TO HAVE CJ and for some reason he wasn't available in Ireland, so my Dad had to made a side trip to Hamley's when he was a on business trip to London. I also had Moonstone, but despite her high-calibre unicorn status, Cherries was my favourite.
ReplyDeleteI also had this rather distressing creature - http://www.inthe80s.com/toys/images/user-image-1242083591.jpg - my Mum's interpretation of my request for a Cabbage Patch Kid for my birthday. Yes. I *did* notice the difference.
Oh Sarah, that's amazing. Bless your mum.
ReplyDeleteOh I love that picture. I can practically smell the plastic. Happy days.
ReplyDeleteMy number one toy was a Fisher Price doll house with the original Little People. My favourite Little People,(Little Person?), was the boy with a pan stuck on his head. I still have it tucked away in my parent's attic.
Also loved chunky crayola felt pens and any sort of eraser that smelt like fruit. Still have a bit of a stationary fetish.
I really want to get a Little Pony from EBay now. Oh Apple Jack, how I loved you.