Not only did I learn that Buzzfeed is about more than cats, autocorrect and more cats, I learned that you can make a pizza base in five minutes with two ingredients. No waiting for it to rise either. ACTUALLY FIVE MINUTES, PEOPLE. That means I can make and devour a pizza in the time it takes Pizza Mamas to misunderstand my order and turn up 40 minutes late with a limp Spinoccoli pizza. Seriously, not one person ordering pizza wants the spinach and broccoli special. Take it off your menu. Also, calling a pizza 'Mama's Aroma'? That is not right, my friends.
Those magical ingredients in your home-made pizza? Greek yoghurt and self-raising flour. They combine to create a slightly chewy base, perfect for pizza. The original recipe turned out too wet and sticky, so I've tweaked it and added some oregano to give it flavour and fanciness. To keep it simple, I've used sun-dried tomato paste but you could blitz some tomatoes, garlic and herbs if you wanted, or buy a jar of pizza topping from the supermarket. Add whatever toppings you like, sit back, and enjoy.
Ridiculously Easy DIY Pizza (makes one)
You will need:
- 150g self-raising flour
- 125ml plain yoghurt (Greek or natural)
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- Sun-dried tomato paste
- Pizza toppings
- Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6.
- Put the flour, yoghurt and oregano in a bowl and mix to combine. The dough should be soft enough to knead by hand - add more flour if it's too wet.
- Knead for around five minutes on an oiled surface, then stretch out into a pizza shape. Place on a lightly oiled baking tray.
- Add a tablespoon of sun-dried tomato paste and spread evenly across the pizza base. Sprinkle over your toppings, then bake for 15 minutes. If the base isn't quite crisp when you take it off the tray, return it directly to the oven shelf for another 3-4 minutes.
- That's it! Eat, enjoy, marvel at your incredible baking skills.
And relatively healthy too. One for the list. Ta.
ReplyDeleteJust made this, it was abso-blimmin-lutely amazing. Thanks :D
ReplyDeleteBrilliant Friday lunch.