Of all the tragic realisations in my life thus far, falling enamoured of tableware is probably one the sadder ones. But holy mother of mackerel, the Love birds set from the Dutch brand PiP Studio is so utterly adorable that I want to start buying one a week to built up a set.

Dinner plates at 26.cm cost £10.95, 21cm for £8.95 and 17cm side plates are £7.95. You can get the 26cm and 21cm from the Selfridges site, although as annoyingly no website seems to stock the entire range, so your best bet is to head out for a stroll and stalk Selfridges and John Lewis. The latter carries the whole lot, not that you'd know from its website which only stocks the more terrifying end of PiP Studio's bed linens and bags line.
You can order straight from the Pip Studio site add 13 Euros for delivery! Not sure how the VAT works though... the prices on the website is slightly cheaper but includes 19% VAT.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen the dinner plates on Amara? You may be able to find more sets on there! :) Hope this helps!