This morning, just as I was making a cup of tea, I heard a thud. Presents! That must be presents coming through the letter box! Domestic Sluttery HQ is sometimes lucky enough to get sent very exciting things and today was no exception. I opened my packages (and left the bills on the table), to be greeted with a
slice of cake from
The Cake Nest.
That's right, a
slice of cake.
Just one slice!? What do I want with just one slice of cake. Stick with me. This idea is genius. I share a house, so often cake doesn't last very long. But if you want to send cakes to someone who lives in their own, or with crazy non-cake loving types, they'll get sent a dozen cakes. No one can eat a dozen cakes in two days. Believe me, I have tried. I made myself very sick. That wasn't a good day. Sugar frosting gives you the worst kind of sugar crash.
I got a tasty piece of carrot cake, to have with my tea, and I'm instantly cheery! Yay! That said, I'm not sure creamy frosting is the best option. It's warm outside and most of my frosting is on the paper, making it all a bit difficult to eat. It's not the best carrot cake I've ever eaten (although I'm still eating whilst typing, it's very nice). I'm enjoying it, but I've only got a slice, I want to be utterly wowed.
*Dusts crumbs of keyboard.*
All finished! It fell a bit short for me, which is a shame, because I love the idea so much. The slices cost £2 each, plus £1.72 shipping (and they come very nicely wrapped too). There's a coffee and chocolate option too, so whilst I wasn't a fan of the carrot cake, I reckon the other flavours might impress me more.
Chocablog really liked their chocolate cake. The idea is great, perfect for when you need to say a little thank you, rather than something huge. Much better value than sending a dozen cupcakes, I just wish the cake was utterly fantastic. Then I'd order a slice for each week.