There's something about cushions that makes me need to collect them. If I had my way, my home would be overrun with them - cushions everywhere. Really I just love the way different cushions can be thrown together to add colour, personality and a welcoming vibe to a room. Of course, the other half doesn't quite understand my obsession with cushions - or where on earth they keep appearing from!
Well I can tell you where the next cushion is coming from - I want this one from Patchwork Harmony. I have fallen in love with their French Postcard cushion, complete with "handwritten" address and stamps. I absolutely love the vintage effect, the creative detail and the romantic Parisian style. And it's only a little one (30x40cm) and it's only £18.50 so maybe the other half won't even notice.
Guest post by Claire Nelson.
Aw I love it. So cute. I have to sneak cushions into the house like some have to sneak in £700 handbags. I think it's an illness. Cushionitis.