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Friday 11 February 2011

Cocktail Hour: True Blood Candy Apple Martini

I have to admit I am a wee bit of a True Blood fangirl. I was recently gifted with a cocktail menu from the vamp's favourite hangout Fangtasia (what do you mean it's not real?). Apparently you can choose from a delightful array of drinks such as the Plasmapolitan and Death on the Beach but if you're not feeling quite so blood thirsty it might be wise to stick with the selection designed with mortals in mind.

Tonight I shall be whipping up a Candy Apple Martini to enjoy while I am watching the show.

You will need:

A shot of raspberry liqueur, I used Chambord
A shot of apple schnapps
A shot of vodka
Apple Juice

Shake It!

1. Put some ice in your cocktail shaker, add the alcohol and give it good shake.

2. Pour into an oversized martini glass and add apple juice to taste.

Flickr image from Sevenmarie and used under Creative Commons license


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There is a real Fangtasia!

  3. That sounds delicious . . . do you suppose it counts as one of your five-a-day?

  4. It definitely counts as two. Apple juice and raspberry (liquer...)

  5. Thanks for the link Pee Dee - wowser!

    Mom on a Wire: I agree with Lucy - definitely count as two!


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