I'm on the hunt for a fabulous dress that I can wear to a forthcoming wedding. Sounds simple, right? Well not when the wedding is next month and none of the shops can decide if it's sunny or if we're going to need several woolly layers.
But then there was this bright pink embellished dress. And all of my other dress choices just fade into the background. I love the jewelled cuffs, but just look at the back:

This is such a sexy dress. A little bit an Arabian Nights thing going on, and the bright colour and sparkly make it perfect for a celebration. And if it's a bit nippy that day it'll look just as lovely with tights as it will without. But really, I'm ignoring all practical aspects and looking at the sexy sparkly bits.
Got a think for bright pink and bling? This dress is £75 from Warehouse.
I'm sure there was a girl on Million Pound Drop wearing this dress on the weekend! It's gorgeous!