This bird cage sticker would look striking in a hallway against a plain uncluttered wall. Imagine walking in and seeing your lovely vinyl pets every day.

This checklist will remind me to take my Oyster card with me, but will it remind me not to attempt to open my front door with it when I come home late at night? No. No, it will not.

This tumbling tape makes for a great backdrop for your stereo, although you will have to explain to any young visitors what a 'cassette' is.

I love their range of eco reminders, which are playful rather than preachy. Thinking about a fluffy hamster frantically powering my lights is more likely to shame me into remembering to turn them off than my partner yelling at me about the electricity bill.
Some of the designs are too cutesy, even for me, and I am Queen of Twee: I don't think I need to be told to keep calm and carry on every again, let alone when on the toilet. And this ant design is making me itch just looking at it.
The stickers are priced from £14.90 to £39.90 and they won't leave sticky marks when you remove them, making them perfect if you're renting or just like redesigning your rooms every few months. They've currently got 20% off everything plus free shipping with the code 2011sales, so stock up on housewarming gifts for your friends, and sneak a couple of things into the basket for yourself. You owe it to the eco-hamsters, dammit.
Gah. I only meant to peruse the site and ended up buying some birds for my laptop. Ah well, what are student loans for?