But we had a look in the those clever stats and discovered that our chocolate fridge cake recipe is the most popular recipe we've ever written. It's actually one of our more popular posts EVER. So basically, you like things that will clog your arteries, without you having to turn the oven on. Brilliant.
Want to know what our favourite recipes are? This little lot is in our bellies more often than it should be.
Siany: I'm itching to try Carrie's mushroom pate, and Sara's blueberry friand recipe is the easiest in the world. And I LOVE how easy James Ramsden's lamb recipe is in our first Sluttery video. But my favourite? Gail's splody mince pies. We can eat them in summer, right?
Sara: BAK-lava? Bak-LAAAR-va? We never cleared that up, but who cares when Sian's recipe is so easy and delicious?
Carrie: When I was a kid, my grandmother always made the most atrocious peanut butter cookies. They were harder than granite, smelled distinctly burned and tasted mostly of salt and the non-stick coating from the baking tray (which, I swear, ended up very much un-stuck and re-coated onto the base of the cookies). So, it was with trepidation that I attempted Michelle's sluttishly easy peanut butter cookies.
What can I say? WOW! Melt-in-the -mouth delectable awesomeness. Fantastically simple and utterly, utterly delicious.
Kat: *drooling noises, dribbling mess, orgasmic food-screams, something about Robyn's chocolate praline Amaretto truffles*
Kat: *drooling noises, dribbling mess, orgasmic food-screams, something about Robyn's chocolate praline Amaretto truffles*
Michelle: I would quite happily eat any of the wonderful dishes posted by my fellow sluts so choosing just one favourite recipe is actually pretty darn hard. Should I go for Alex's Spicy Beef with Broccoli, Siany's Chicken and Ginger Fried Dumplings or Sara's Oven Baked Onion Bhaji's? So I'm going to demand them all rounded off with Alex's Strawberry Stack for afters.
Sarah B: As a total chocoholic, and one who just watched the biscuit challenge on The Apprentice, I was in search of a chocolate biscuit recipe this morning. This one with ginger was just the ticket.
Alex E: I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but after I've indulged I suffer from healthy eating related pangs of guilt. Which makes it a toss up between Siany's Chocolate Ganache Pie and Sara's veg-tastic falafels.
Sarah B: As a total chocoholic, and one who just watched the biscuit challenge on The Apprentice, I was in search of a chocolate biscuit recipe this morning. This one with ginger was just the ticket.
Alex E: I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but after I've indulged I suffer from healthy eating related pangs of guilt. Which makes it a toss up between Siany's Chocolate Ganache Pie and Sara's veg-tastic falafels.
Cheesecake brownies! CHEESECAKE BROWNIES!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm also partial to the salt and pepper chicken wings ;-)
Yay, I'm winning! Probably because I cook more rubbish than the rest of you.