We can finally tell you about our event! Devoted to the art and craft of letter writing, Paper & Penmanship will take place at Homemade London on September 18th. We love sending (and receiving) handwritten letters and cards, and you lot are smitten with stationery so it was the perfect summer event for us.
The day will be divided up into 3 sessions each with rotating individual events so you'll get to do all of the things listed in the outline below. You can book your tickets for one individual session, two sessions or all three at a further discounted rate if you fancy spending the day with us. You'll pay £15 for one session, £27 for two sessions and £40 for all three. A Sluttery bargain for all of the stuff you'll have to do.
We're giving out goodie bags when you arrive so you can use them throughout your session (stamps included, naturally) with stationery goodies from Present & Correct (loving the new website) and our sponsors Natural History as well as many more to be announced. There will be drinks and snacks throughout the day and the whole venue will be packed with fun letter-y things. We've even got plans for the bathroom...
So what's happening in the sessions?
Morning Session (11am - 2pm)
1. The Last Post - Love letters.
Write them, talk about them, receive one from the person sat next to you. This mini event will bring out the romantic in you.
2. Book binding - make your own secret notebook.
Want to practice scribbling your signature for when you're famous? Put your to-do lists somewhere pretty? Then you'll need your very own notebook for secret penmanship and doodling - the Homemade London team will show you how.
3. Domestic Sluttery talk correspondence.
The Domestic Sluttery team and special guests talk about their favourite letters (their own, and famed ones throughout history), and discuss what makes a good letter and why we enjoy getting them so much. Bring your own letters if you'd like to join in and read them out.
Afternoon (3pm - 6pm)
1. Aimee Furnival's Postcarden.
We love Aimee's Postcardens (cress gardens AND letters, what's not to like?), so she's going to help you make your own to post to someone very lovely.
2. Letter Lounge.
Take a seat, grab some paper and write that letter you've been meaning to write for ages. We'll even post it for you once you're done.
3. Design your own postcards and letters with Tea & Crayons.
Wish they were here? Design your friends and family some postcards, and then send them on their way!
Evening (6:30pm - 8:30pm):
Domestic Debate - The Heartfelt Email
Has the internet and social media ruined letter writing? The Domestic Sluts are kicking off a debate about social media and how our letter writing has changed since we started emailing. Does it matter that we don't write by hand anymore? Do the words count more than old fashioned pen and paper?
We're so excited about the event and can't wait to meet more of you. Tickets are selling quickly so you'll have to move quickly if you want to come. See you next month!
Woohoo! Count me in. Great idea, Domestic Sluts!
ReplyDeleteHurrah! We're so excited.
ReplyDeleteYay! We're very excited about this! Looks like it'll be an ace day! x