On the fifth day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive gollllllllllllllld rings!
OK, not actually five. No one actually needs five gold rings. So just one. But we had to get that line of the song in somewhere, didn't we? It's the best line! So instead we bagged you some bling from Accessories Online. This gold sandstone ring is by Lola Rose. Isn't it pretty?
So what do you have to do to win this lovely ring (worth £51.95)? Just leave us a comment telling us about your favourite thing about Christmas. We want to hear your favourite things! Christmas eve? Turkey and stuffing? Opening presents? In return we'll play Bing Crosby throughout Domestic Sluttery HQ while we type away. We'll pick a winner at random and announce the lucky person tomorrow! You'll get an extra entry for re-tweeting, but only one so don't be annoying and re-tweet every ten minutes. Remember, if you've already won a 12 Days of Christmas prize, please don't enter again - we want to share Christmas glad tidings! Of course, if you don't win, feel free to use the discount code MISTLETOEANDWINE at Accessories Online to get 10% off until Friday.
Good luck!
The small print: This competition will close at midnight on December 7th and is only available to UK based readers. We’re not allowed to enter our own competitions, although we often wish we could. Our favourite thing about Christmas is definitely the bit in the morning before we open our presents. We'll pick the winner at random, and we've got heaps of wonderful Christmassy competitions over the next week so don't be sad if you don't win. Try again tomorrow! Merry Christmas everyone!
my fave thing about christmas is the pantomimes - i absolutely love them! all that "he's behind you" is my idea of a good night out....i sometimes even take me kids!! lol
ReplyDeleteMy stocking! Its the most exciting part of christmas for me :D I may be 23 but theres something about a huge sock full of random bits that makes my heart skip a beat! <3 it.
ReplyDeleteRT'd @Englishian :)
Christmas Eve, getting ready for santa, watching him on Norad santa tracker, having the first piece of christmas cake and a mince pie and a lovely roast ham. Its great seeing how excited my son is :)
ReplyDeleteCats. Climbing the tree, staring at the pretty blinking lights, destroying leftover wrapping paper and setting up camp in empty boxes. I think this is what toddlers are for, later, but until then it's definitely the cats.
ReplyDeletefavourite thing about christmas is being somewhere hot and sunny on christmas day.
ReplyDeleteMulled wine - spiced hot wine, whats not to love?
ReplyDeleteI love everything about Christmas! But the best part is on Christmas Day when the kids come downstairs to find Santa's footsteps and follwoing them through the house until they see the tree with the pressies! The looks on their faces is priceless!
ReplyDeleteRos x
My favourite thing about Christmas is seeing the children getting excited just before christmas and there faces when they are opening there presents
ReplyDeletemy favourite thing about christmas is my childrens excitement. I've always loved christmas and its even more special now that I can make my little ones memories magical
ReplyDeleteThe kids' excitement, the anticipation and having us all together on the day!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is the fact that I get excited about it from about August onwards. That, and my Mum's collection of bizarre Christmas earrings.
My favourite thing about Christmas is the fact everyone is together, and all the fun that can be had with the family (and the drinks in-between, lol!)
ReplyDeletePigs in blankets. I know you technically can buy them all year round but I only have them at Christmas and they are epic! It takes all my self control not to eat the whole pan.
ReplyDeletethe food, the presents, the tree, christmas movies. I love everything!
ReplyDeleteThe official decorating day! Once the tree is decorated and the smell of pine and cinnamon and vanilla fill the house, and there are sparkly lights in every possible spot it really starts to feel like Santa's on his way.
ReplyDeleteWatching my son opening his presents. And this year it will be our dog's first Christmas, I am sure he will try to eat baubles and tinsel, so it will be lots of fun!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is our family's annual tradition of German waffles and baked apples for Christmas Eve dinner, cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning breakfast and spending time with the family :-).
ReplyDeleteHaving a lie-in on Christmas Day - absolutely priceless :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is - without doubt - Christmas breakfast. We all sit round the table with our finest crockery, put slices of toast in the toast rack and put the milk in a jug. It's all very cheery and civilised...apart form a couple of years ago when my dad LITERALLY set the table on fire when he was fiddling around with a blowtorch he'd got as a present. No, not an industrial blowtorch, but one of those mini ones to make the sugar go all crispy on top of creme brulees. Rather dramatic, but ultimately hilarious and a great family anecdote.
ReplyDeleteMine has got to be when my girls see the first house that is decorated! We've have to stop for them so the get a good look.
ReplyDeleteThe faces are priceless.xx
I love putting the presents under the tree last thing on Christmas Eve so it looks magical when we all get up in the morning.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is seeing all my friends who come home from all around the country for the festive season!
ReplyDeleteMy grandad's cocktails! For as long as I can remember Granda has made a cocktail before Christmas dinner! It's a trully vintage cocktail and it hasn't changed for years! I just know Christmas is here when I drink it! x
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is coming home to spend it with my family and the banter with my Mum as we get the dinner ready, normally drinking Pimms or Bucks Fizz. I also love that we are pretty unconventional about Christmas, this year we're having dinner on Boxing Day instead, so Christmas day itself will just be lazy food- cheese, pickled onions, pies and other delicious nibbles. Who couldn't love that!?
ReplyDeletemy favourite thing is the fairy lights and decorations which brighten up the early nights and make December seem more magical.
ReplyDeleteFAIRY LIGHTS! Now, I know it doesn't have to be Christmas to indulge in the gorgeous twinkliness of fairy lights, I have at least two sets strung around my bedroom all year round, but at Christmas you can go all out. What could be nicer than sitting in a twilit, pine scented room, fairy lights on the tree twinkling, a glass of mulled wine in hand and loved ones close by? *sighs with contentedness*
ReplyDeleteDefinitely giving people presents! I love it so much! Christmas just gives me an excuse to give give give :)
ReplyDeleteNorad santa tracking even though my boys don't believe in santa anymore this is not for them its for ME. I get excited seeing which places he has been to, and when he gets to london(yeah i'm never in bed bad girl!!)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is sitting with my husband and kids opening presents on Christmas morning, wearing jammies and drinking hot chocolate.
ReplyDeleteI love the feeling after all the events...when you're looking at all the presents you've recieved (andyou're surrounded by torn wrapping paper), when you settle down to watch Christmas telly and un-pop your button after the big meal....
ReplyDeleteI love everything about Christmas, but my favourite bit of Christmas Day is opening stockings. Yes, I may be 28 and my sister may be 25, but we still pile onto my parents' bed on Christmas morning to open our stockings. My sister and I now do stockings for Mum and Dad too, and it's a lovely way to start Christmas morning - we're all in our pyjamas with cups of tea, opening our silly stocking presents.
ReplyDeletei love the lights everywhere, the warm alcoholic beverages and walking around in the evenings, all rugged up and feeling like something really amazing is about to happen any second! x
ReplyDeleteThe preparations are my favourite part of Christmas - especially the cooking. Right now I have spiced chocolate ice cream in the ice cream machine and I'm about to make some mulled vodka. By Christmas Eve my freezer will be packed to burtsing point. The sad thing is that by January 2nd it will be completely empty
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is doing secret Santas.I love choosing a present for less than £5. Guessing who's bought what, and having a laugh about everyone's presents!
ReplyDeleteHas to be the food, last night i had a mince pie with Brandy Cream and a hot chocolate with baileys (not actual baileys but Sainsburys own...all tastes the same though) We live on buffets for at least two weeks...mmmm mini duck spring rolls and films musn't forget the films. Snuggling up with films buffets and booze...hoorah for crimbo!!!
ReplyDeleteFor me it's all about driving around with a steaming cup of chai tea latte and checking out everyone's christmas light displays. They've never ceased being a little bit magical for me.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a child (a spoilt only child!), it was all about mum allowing me to unwrap one gift under the tree which would always be Barbie pjs. Mum would bath me, plait my hair so it would go all curly the next day and put me in my new pink and sparkly nightwear.
ReplyDeleteThese days I think it's the tradition of me having cheese for starters whilst everyone else marvels at mum's fish surprise. They all tuck into praws and squid and whatnot and I enjoy melted brie on sundried tomato toast. Nom!
I love everything about Christmas! :). But the one thing that Christmas cannot go without is my mother's CHristmas stocking...she can forgo everything else for Christmas BUT the stocking...and no I'm not 7 :)
ReplyDeleteI love the moment the children burst in, their faces alight because Santa came and left stokings. Its such a special buzz every year.
ReplyDeletei love the boxing day get together at my mums -with my family, my brother and mum's partner's son and grandsons - chaos and not at my house!!
ReplyDeleteI like all the Christmas adverst - Coke,Famous Grouse, Guinness etc (not stupid Sale ones on Christmas day though!)
ReplyDeleteRetweeted @txteva
ReplyDeleteI love presents... getting presents and best of all buying presents for all of my family! I've got a new job and I can now afford to spoil my parents and Nan rotten! Also I love spending time together and everyone feeling like a child again - especially my dad who always wakes me up so we can open the stockings!
My favourite thing is Christmas Eve, there's something magical about it, lots of food and drink, and the anticipation of the following day.
ReplyDeleteOne word - presents! Materialistic, moi? I love buying presents, I love receiving presents and I love the way they all look under the tree.
ReplyDeleteStaying up til midnight on Christmas eve to open ONE present (OK, sometimes it's two!) :D
ReplyDeleteHas to be the christmas day lunch, tried eating out one year and it just wasn`t the same.
ReplyDeletethe cat.....
ReplyDeleteshe has so much fun in the discarded wrapping paper... such an undignified show from a pampered pooch.. she has us all in stitches for ages
Getting together with family. With children, siblings, etc quite widespread we do not meet up as often as we would like so Christmas is always special when we can all meet up.
ReplyDeleteThe smell of my gran's house. It's like brussel sprouts, rose candles, sherry, tinsel (yes tinsel does smell) and mixed dried fruits. And maybe a dab of talc. Christmas in a sniff.
ReplyDeleteHot Spicy Glüwein...lovely!
ReplyDeleteGluhwein! And roast turkey with all the trimmings, I love it.
ReplyDeleteI love Christmas night - when the kids are fast asleep still with huge smiles on their faces! The house is quiet and still and all the rushing around is finally over, I can put on my new Christmas slippers, open my bottle of wine, eat the choccies I hide from the kids and watch the Christmas telly in peace.
ReplyDeleteI love... turning the TV off and playing board games/family games etc. I used to do this with all my aunts and uncles/cousins etc. and still love to do it now (30 years later.
ReplyDeleteI hope my son follows the 'tradition'
Via Twitter - @sarahwalters99
Champagne for breakfast with smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel and christmas pudding complete with sparkles - together at 8am christmas morning:)
ReplyDeleteI like Christmas shopping, when the lights are all on, it's dark and cold, yet people smile at each other in th street. Walking home with rustling bags full of things that will make those you love smile on Christmas Day!
ReplyDeleteThe best part of Christmas is Christmas Eve, feeling giddy and hyper and not quite prepared, frantically wrapping presents at the last minute and tucking into a whole pile of buffet food. But really, I love all of Christmas!!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about xmas for me would have to be the treasure hunt we have! I know it's not traditional for everyone else but it is in my family.
ReplyDeleteIn our stockings we just have a Satsuma snuggled at the bottom with the first clue on it and then we have to go round the house collecting our stocking presents, they're always similar clues and always pretty terrible (like : where two legs are on four legs to eat one leg is always the dining chairs!) but the way me and my brothers have to wait for everyone to wake up and run round the house like loons on xmas morning makes me love it! We're 22, 28 and 30 now and we just won't let my mum stop it, now both my sister's in law get ones laid out for them to and this year my nephew's getting his first treasure hunt so it'll be extra special!
I swear we'll be making my mum do it for years and years to come though, it's certainly my favourite Christmas thing in the world!
Oh and i've retweeted as @vickxy
Putting the decorations up, haven`t done it yet this year so still have that to look forward to! :O)
EVERYTHING!!!! I'm a self-confessed Christmas nutter...
ReplyDeleteBut seriously - the best part is the music. Carols, cheesy crooning, but most of all I love all the classical/choral music for the season. I'm from a family of classical musicians, and music has always played a huge part of our Christmasses. I can think of one piece which typifies each of the last 15 years of Christmasses, and hearing that piece can take me straight back to that year. Magic!
I love love love the afternoon bit.. about 5ish. The present opening is over, the running around mentally screaming 'sprouts, we need MORE SPROUTS' is over, the obligatory watching of the queens speech under orders by mother is done. All thats left is after eights, cheesy films, the coal fire roaring and the fairy lights sprinkling in the dark and the feeling that yep. This is the moments life are made of!
ReplyDeletemy favourite thing about xmas is watching my little girls face when she opens her presents, when she was a baby she wasnt really interested and just liked the cardboard, last year she liked all the sweeties and didnt bother about the big presents!