*Drum roll please* The winner is... SharonKitten! For this heartwarming comment:
"My daughter, who has Down Syndrome, started school last week. The school have gone out of their way to help her and to provide sufficient resources and work tailored to her abilities. I have been completely amazed at how well it is going, and how she runs to school each morning and runs into class with the biggest smile on her face.
So i would take the cakes into her school as a thank you to her teachers and support staff for going that extra mile.
I would ask them if they could save me one though ;)"
How can we argue with that? Sharon, just email us and we'll make sure you get your cakes!
*Update!* No more entries! We're all cupcaked out for today and we'll let you know who the winner is a little bit later! *Update*
More winning! Horray! Now yesterday we got a little bit told off by some of our Scottish readers because they couldn't enter the contest. So today, we've teamed up with Cake Shop Corner for our next giveaway. They promise to deliver anywhere in mainland UK! Yay!
Cake Shop Corner are a new cupcakery so we're extra excited about featuring them. We like new businesses and especially ones involving cupcakes. You know what the best bit is? Not only is lovely Amy Lane offering you 36 CUPCAKES (OMG 36 cupcakes!), you can hold onto your cupcakes winnings as 'cupcake credit' for a whole 12 months so if you don't need your cupcakes right away (and why not?!) then you can save them for a special occasion. Brilliant.
Can we get the term 'cupcake credit' used more often please? Want a cupcake credit card.
What do you have to do to win these?
Just leave a comment telling us why you deserve the cupcakes and who you'd share them with (there's 36 - you can't eat them all on your own). This isn't a random competition, we'll give the cupcakes to the most deserving comment. You won't get extra points for retweeting this content, but we'll be your best friends if you do.
You've got until 4.30pm today to tell us your sob stories, charm us and convince us that you're the most deserving cause. Good luck!
The small print bit: Competition cakes only delivered to Mainland UK. Please don't shout at us if you don't win, there's other cupcakes tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that too. The whole week in fact. We're not allowed to enter, but if you were interested, Siany would share these with her friend Sam who is rather lovely and has a bit of a sweet tooth. We wish we could enter our own competitions. Humph.
Yeah! I missed out yesturday! If I won the cupcakes I would share them with my work colleagues! We work at Shopmobility in a car park and don't get to see day light! These cupcakes would definately brighten up our day!! xx
ReplyDeleteGood morning. I think that my husband and I are perfect candidates for these wonderful cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteOn November 17th it will be our birthday - yes, both of us, we were born on the same day...exactly the same day, he is 4 hours older than me!!!
In May we moved down South for my Husband's work, not knowing a single soul. We have had to leave all of our friends & family behind, bringing our 2 children with us to start a new life.
So, it looks like our very special Birthday is going to be a rather subdued affair this year, as we have nobody down here to celebrate it with.
Imagine the joy on ours and our childrens faces if we were to receive these wonderful cupcakes on our Birthday, can you imagine it? Can you???
They may also go a long way in helping towards our neighbours falling over each other to become friends with us, don't you think???
I deserve these cupcakes because I have been working oh-so-hard lately: with the nightmare that is Having Out Bathroom Refurbished, I have to stay in all day to supervise the builders, and then off to work from 6-10pm, every day, for the last two weeks (and counting!!)
ReplyDeleteOnly yesterday, they fitted a new door which doesn't even fit properly! It's just one big disaster, boo :(
If I won, I'd share them with my ever suffering boyfriend (who is sharing in the bathroom hell): I am so grateful for his tirelessness, as he goes out to work full days, and then comes home to me complaining about builders. Not only that, but he picks me up late from work every evening, so I don't have to brave the busses home in the dark!
I adore cupcakes, in fact, my entire family adores cupcakes. I sent my mom and my dad a batch in South Africa for Mothers Day and Father's Day cause it was the first time we couldn't be together now that we are in the UK, and my son always gets them for his birthday. Come to think of it, we involve cupcakes in every celebration . . . we had a cupcake tower as a wedding cake 6 years ago, we had them for my sons dedication 3 years ago, we even made up a birthday for my sons squishy bed time bunny to get a box of cupcakes. If I won this batch, I would enjoy them with my hubby and my son and be grateful for all the good memories that they bring back.
ReplyDeleteIt's my Father-in-Law's 70th Birthday next month, we've hired the room, dj, ordered the buffet and arranged accomodation for those travelling down which doesn't leave much left for the cake for him sadly, please save us from getting an 'off the shelf' cake for this wonderful man (and he is really) he deserves so much better and when we have the final numbers, having to buy 36 less would mean everyone could have their very own cupcake!
ReplyDeleteSo I'm not asking for these for me, I'd love to win them for him to make his very special day even more so!
I so deserve these wonderful cupcakes, I live in a tiny little village, miles away from anywhere that doesn't cost a weeks wages for a pint of milk! They don't even sell ground coffee,never mind amazing cupcakes! I would share these with my little girl who is lonely now her big brother has started big school
ReplyDeleteRather annoyingly, My life is so empty of cakes, I have no beautiful, meaningful tale to tell which will assist my desperate attempt to get free cakes as my life is currently so depressing on account of being cupcakeless (it's an actual disease) I just can't even muster any happy, tearjerky stories to encourage cakes from you.
ReplyDeleteI also, can't promise that they will be shared. (We are talking about cakes for goodness sake, not vegetables!!)
So, I love cakes and would be delighted to win . I might possibly let the postman have one... maybe.
These cupcakes are so special. I would so love to win these because at the moment my dad is in hospital and fed up. I would love to fly over and visit him bringing cupcakes to share with him and the rest of the family. It would surprise him so much to see us and the cupcakes would just make his day
ReplyDeleteOn October the third its my baby Caspers birthday well not so much a baby anymore he's going to be two! Also my awesome Dad is going into hospital for an op, he's being a bit of a pain saying he's going back to work after two weeks when the docs have told him he needs 6 weeks off! Maybe i can tempt him to stay at home for a bit longer with some Cupcakes...theres not a lot he wouldn't do for cake!
ReplyDeleteSo birthday celebrations and un cooperative patients definitely calls for a large batch of cupcakes!
I think my husband & I deserve the cupcakes because it's been a really stressful year. We're newly weds & we've had a bit of a bumpy ride since our wedding, but we've stuck through it together... This december is our 1 year wedding anniversary & so I would cash in my cupcake credit then, and share the cakes with my husband & the girls at work - celebration cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter, who has Down Syndrome, started school last week. The school have gone out of their way to help her and to provide sufficient resources and work tailored to her abilities. I have been completely amazed at how well it is going, and how she runs to school each morning and runs into class with the biggest smile on her face.
ReplyDeleteSo i would take the cakes into her school as a thank you to her teachers and support staff for going that extra mile.
I would ask them if they could save me one though ;)
Its one of my best friends 30th birthdays tomorrow so I would surprise her and bring all the gorgeous cupcakes to her party! She works really hard and has had a tough last year so deserves to be treated like a truely special person x
ReplyDeleteOn Friday afternoon my neighbours son was 'accidently' pushed by a Y11 in the play ground. He fell from the tyre swing after banging his arm on the metallic strut. He landed on his right arm from a quite a height. His mother was 20 minutes away so she called me to get to him.The paramedics were there in 40 minutes. He had to have entenox and morphine for the pain. His school blazer had to be cut away from him. Over the weekend his arm was operated on twice with the risk of him losing it. The orthpaedic surgeon said that it was the worst break she had ever seen.This morning he is in surgery again to either stich it up or decide to skin graft the wound. His mother is hoping that he will come out of hospital soon, although they have told her that it will take up to a year for it to heal.
ReplyDeleteSo these cup cakes will be a fair treat for the brave boy and his mum who has not moved from his side when they come home.
I would share the cupcakes with my husband. I've been struggling with back pain for the last 4 months (having injections in my spine last week). Chris has done all the housework, washing etc whilst also renovating our house in his "spare time". He's a legend cook, but often doesn't get the opportunity to indulge his sweet tooth.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to win the cupcakes I would share them with the lovely ladies at my sewing club.
ReplyDeleteAfter my wedding was called off 18 months ago I moved the 200+ miles from Newcastle upon Tyne to Leamington Spa to start a life from scratch. I struggled not having a group of girlfriends to socialise with, and didn't see how I could meet like-minded girls in a comparitively small town - I'd grown so used to city life where there were clubs and groups for everything!
After putting out a call on twitter I met like-minded blogger Kate, also new to the area, and we set up our sewing club/book club/recipe swap SUPER GROUP together. Through the joys of the internet we got the word out and soon found ourselves organising fortnightly meetings, in-between film nights, monthly "away trips" and Saturday morning sewing workshops.
The club members have more in common that the drinking culture that forms the base of many colleague-based friendships and I'm certain they have absolutely no idea how much they have helped me to settle and find happiness again.
Oh, and I'd invite my brother along too. He and his girlfriend (who is a member of the club anyway) have been my rocks the last 18 months. They too deserve thanking.
I have nothing worthy but would eat them with friends for high tea from plates like these
I've recently moved into a small new development of flats, and we're having our first informal residents' association meeting at the beginning of October. I would bring the cupcakes to the meeting as a way of promoting neighbourliness :D
ReplyDelete36 Cupcakes!!
ReplyDeleteWell seeing as one of my lovely colleagues (No names Ms. C) is turning a milestone on her next birthday (21....+9) I would donate the cupcakes to her to celebrate/comiserate/cupcake cheer her day!
Last week was my mother-in-laws 60th Birthday and the whole family got a serious telling off because nobody made her or bought her a cake! Even though she had said she was on a diet and didn't want one! It was obviously some kind of 'cake' test :) Also today is my Mum's 60th Birthday so I would share the cupcakes out between both of them to keep everyone happy and make both their days!x
ReplyDeleteIt's my mummys birthday in October so i'd definitely give them to her. She's just taken on two foster kids and is run off her feet. I gave her a cupake at the weekend and one of the foster children liked the look of it - she offered to share so handed the cake over. He proceeded to lick off all the frosting and handed her back a soggy much gummed cake. not particularly appetising. With 36 cupcakes she could get her fill, as could the kids and i'm sure there'd even be a few left for me!
I'd use 36 cupcakes to host a Cupcake party at our new flat. We've just moved into a block of 22 flats so it'd be a great opportunity to get to know the new neighbours.
ReplyDeleteI'd LOVE to win 36 cupcakes to share with my wonderful, patient hubby and gorgeous little man whose birthdays fall on the 9th & 10th Oct respectively. They have both been so supportive of my new business venture and the time and energy I've been putting into it that it'd be a lovely treat for us all and a great way for me to say thanks and that I love them loads! x
Hello! My brother has just started his first teaching job, so (after nicking one or two for myself) I would give them to him to take along to his new class of ravenous teenagers so they give him the respect he deserves! Cupcake bribery!
ReplyDeleteAs much as I love a good moan and think I could top trump most sob stories, I've decided that I'm going to be more positive and happy and not dwell on all that.
ReplyDeleteIt's my bday next week and I'm going to celebrate (preferably with cupakes!) instead of freak out. I'm going to party instead of pout, dance instead of mope and have fun, fun, fun.
That's my bday wish! :)
36 cupcakes!!! Wowieeee :) I think I deserve them, because I am always making cupcakes for other people....no one ever makes them for meeee :( I am arranging a surprise baby shower for my friend, so the cupcakes would be a lovely treat for her x and me!!
ReplyDeleteIf i got 36 cupcakes to share as i pleased i would share them with all the Domestic Sluts (especially Siany because she gave me the idea to enter) and then i would auction the rest (apart from 2 for me) off on my twitter page to the people who made the most amusing update to mention cupcakes, coffee and sluts
ReplyDeleteI feel a bit cheeky asking for the cupcakes, particularly given there are so many deserving comments so far! That said, it is my birthday today and I am currently stuck in work so it would really brighten up my day! Especially as I've just started a new job so no one in the office knew it was my birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteI am 25 today so would have one cupcake for every year plus 11 for the rest of this year!
That said, I am getting married in may so I may keep them for that!! Xxx
OMG! I totally have to think... OK... now... I deserve cupcakes which I would share with the people I work with and my husband because I'm battered and bruised from just getting to work! It's a tough job and I get injured going to do it!
ReplyDeleteAlso, the team deserve cupcakes because they have been doing some sterling work and have really worked hard to improve what we do for the people we work for :-) GOOD JOB GUYS!
My husband deserves some because he's had to put up with me for 13 years :-D SRSLY... you haven't had to live with me - it's not easy!
I would have the cupcakes sent to my bestest friend in the world's house. I live in Germany, so I wouldn't get to taste them myself, but I would really want my best friend and her family to have them. They are so kind and like a family to me and I miss her like hell now that I'm 800 miles away. We would always bake cakes together and she loves food, so that would be a perfect gift for her to think of me.
ReplyDeleteWell, as my birthday inconveniently falls right next to Christmas, I have never had a birthday party - no one is ever available. Even for my 21st I spent it alone with an Eddie Izzard DVD and a bottle of champagne.
ReplyDeleteMy plan would be to bribe friends with the cupcakes (and maybe throw in a few cocktails) so that I can finally, after 25 years, have my first ever birthday party!
Well, I was going to beg for cupcakes, but Maggie Bob has the best sob story so far. I can't top that.
ReplyDeleteMoohvy xx
I think I deserve these because I've been proof-reading a 600-page book on fish farming all week and I can feel my brain cells dissolving. I need the sugar buzz from lovely pretty cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteI would share them with my hubby, my kids and my reading group - the Book Bitches...
ReplyDelete1. I quit my job in recruitment three months ago (because it was AWFUL)and then became a PR (for love, not money) and took a £3000ish pay cut to do so (so I can no longer afford cupcakes.)
2. I've just moved to a new flat because I loved the girls that live there - one of whom has just told me she is moving out...(cupcakes may ease the pain)
3. My best friend took me for a drink last night to tell me she is starting something with my OTHER best friend, thus I am now, officially, the Most Single Person in the World. (at least I could be Single and Full of Sugar.)
4. My other close friend recently announced he has 'more than friends' feelings for me, and now is no longer speaking to me so I am Mateless and well as The Most Single Person in the World. (36cupcakes may make me new friends..)
5. My last boyfriend dumped be my text. Enough said.
6. The one before than recently started dating a TEENAGER.
7. The first boy who said he was in love with me has just got MARRIED.
8. I am at work on a hangover. Sugar may fix me.
9. I haven't had a holiday or a haircut for as long as I can remember. (36 cupcakes may make me feel unwell enough that I can go home sick?)
10. I follow you on twitter, and I retweet!
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ReplyDeleteToday was my little girl's first day of school nursery - and luckily her Daddy (a soldier who is just about to be deployed)got to see her trotting off through the school gates in her uniform.
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely.
However, next month is her birthday - and my other little girl's too - but Daddy won't be there to celebrate them turning 4 and 3.
They were both born on the same day a year apart and this will be their first birthday without him so I would use my cupcake credit for their birthday to bring a smile to their faces on a gloomy October day x
I live in the Netherlands, so I wouldn't be able to have any myself, but I know exactly who I would send them to!
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend and I met on an online forum, and have forged a number of other friendships there as well. Two of our good friends met there as well and married, and just had their first child a few months ago. They're having a big get-together for their baby's baptism, and lots of other people from the forum are travelling within the UK and from the continent to attend.
Unfortunately, we aren't able to be there, but I'd love to send my love to our friends and their new baby (and help to feed the hungry hoards ;)!
I'd love some cupcakes as they would be the perfect fuel for the 10km run i'm doing for Cancer Research on Saturday. I would share them with my running mate Suzi and anyone that comes along to hold our stuff, watch us and others who have helped us around the course.
ReplyDeleteFab cupcakes by the way xx
This time last year I was terribly unhappy and did not really like myself at all. I developed an eating disorder and lost a lot of weight very quickly which made my family very worried. I was pretty much giving up on life. Then at the beginning of the year I got thrown a lifeline, I met my wonderful wonderful boyfriend. Through him I have learnt to start liking myself and my life. He has helped me combat my attitude to food and my body which is an ongoing fight. He is so loving and supportive, I just don't know what would have happened to me if we hadn't met. So if I were deemed deserving enough I would share my cupcakes with the man I love and my family and friends and I would relish every single bite!
ReplyDeleteI think everyone at People in Action (Leeds) deserves these lovely cupcakes for all the hard work, extra hours and commitment we give to our mission of breaking down barriers for people with learning disabilities.
ReplyDeleteHurrah!!! (Also - we never get such exciting luxuries, charity organisations aren't allowed to splurge on such loveliness!)
ReplyDeleteI dont think i deserve the cupcakes at all. But i do think my mum and dad do. (They arent very good on the internet at all so i will apply on their behalf)
They have had a tough year, my dad is in the property industry and was made redundant recently. My mum has not been very well, and has been very stressed with worrying about money.
I wish that I was in a position to help them financially but I'm only just earning enough to support myself. I love doing little things like sending my mum letters and cards to let her know im thinking of her, emailing my dad with funny messages to brighten his day.
The cupcakes would only be a small gesture, but i know they would put a massive smile on their faces and maybe give them a little bit of sunshine in these stormy times. :D x
I would like to win these cupcakes to brighten up my day and to take into the hospice to share with my Dad and the other patients.
ReplyDeletereading through the comments, i really can't compete
ReplyDeletebut these cupcakes are my dream come true, and ready just to eat
i'd share them with my kids and my family and friends
a splendid way me thinks for making some ammends
Good Luck everyone - they look sooooo scrummy! :-) xx
Wow, I was going to post and beg for cupcakes (new to England, no friends in this country, husband's company closed, newlywed, etc. -- and I wasn't even making things up!), but reading some of these other stories has made me ashamed, and I didn't even make it to the bottom of the page. So I'll bake up a batch of cupcakes for us and send good thoughts to the rest of you to win.
ReplyDeleteI would be top of the mums if i won,my son's & daughters would be scoffing with joy at these delightful cupcakes!I could pretend mum got creative or I could tell them the secret & hope they buy me a batch!
ReplyDeleteYou're all being really lovely to each other :-)
ReplyDeleteI wish everyone could win cake.
Its been a bit of a rubbish year workwise, for me and a lot of my friends with redundancies all over the place, but things seem to be turning around for most of us now, and I'd love to celebrate the good stuff that's starting to happen with all my friends, or use it as a birthday gift for my best mate whose turning 30 in a week, as I've been too skint to afford to buy her as gift.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of loveliness on this page and I don't think I want to even try to compete with some of the heart-rending stories. I don't know how you're going to pick any one story, perhaps 36 people could each get a cake?
ReplyDeleteThere is a homeless person who lives across the road from me. If I had 36 cupcakes I would pelt him with them untill he ran away and left us in peace.
ReplyDeleteI probably shouldn't ask for cupcakes because my doctor will shout at me (I've got PCOS and am struggling with my weight). Instead I'd give them to all the friends who put up with my moaning about my fertility problems ;)
ReplyDeleteI deserve them as my boyfriend of 4 years has just left me for my bestfriend of 10 years.
ReplyDeleteI have 3 kids, aged 11, 3 and 7 months old, and I currenly have Bronchitis.
I think I deserve some good news.
I would share them with my gorgeous children, as they are keeping me strong in a time where I just want to curl up and cry.....
i NEED to win these - i would get these to share with my daughter and her friends for her sixteenth birthday {and i'd pretend i'd made them of course!}
ReplyDeletenow i'm off to apply for a cupcake credit card!
I can't compete. I hope whoever wins the cupcakes enjoys them a lot! Great competition.
ReplyDeleteYay, cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteI was made redundant in February and after so many knock-backs and rejections, I finally start a new job on Monday.
Although I'm really excited and looking forward to earning money again, I'm really nervous about meeting my new collegues. So, I'd share them with them and break the ice in the best possible way!
If I won, I would share them with my work colleagues. I’ve not long been in this job, and I’m pretty quiet, being the only girl amongst lots of men, but they all stood up for me this morning, and their kindness really touched me. They are really into cakes, and even make their own to bring in sometimes
ReplyDeleteAs it's also sexual health week and I'm a sexual health worker AND it's my birthday on Monday, I deserve to win so I can share (some) of my lovely cupcakes with my friends and colleagues to boost morale in these miserable STI-ridden times, celebrate my birthday and get a much needed scrummy cake fix!
ReplyDeleteI deserve the cupcakes for two reasons. First of all, we ran out of biscuits to got with our mid-morning cuppas earlier and it's horrible outside.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, the website at work has been beset by gremlins and everybody looks so stressed, they need cupcakes to cheer them up. I promise to personally give everybody a cupcake and make them a cup of tea, because it's no less than my lovely work colleagues deserve.
I'm not in the mainland UK, but I'd ship them to a friend who is :-).
ReplyDeleteI deserve them because my 2.5 year old son has just stopped breastfeeding. He has food allergies (dairy, eggs, wheat, nuts, mustard, but he outgrew potato this year), so while he was nursing, I was off all that stuff as well. I do think I've done very well: lost weight, have more energy. But at the same time, I haven't had a cupcake, a PROPER cupcake with butter and eggs and wheat in 2 freaking YEARS.
Help me celebrate. I've done a wonderful thing, yadda yadda yadda. I just need some BUTTER.
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ReplyDeletei dont really deserve the cupcakes but i would like them very much because i've just moved in with my lovely boyfriend and am incredibly happy and live is perfect. but he has just been diagnosed with gluten intolerance (ARRRGGGG) so that means NO MORE CAKES EVER AGAIN. except he's about to have a weeek where we can eat gluten to prove he is gluten intolerant for this test on Monday 28th Sept. So i would give the 36 cupcakes to him (and hopefully he would share 1 or 2) and that could be a lovely celebratory "final gluten fix" before i face my future making bread with xanthum gum and trying to make flourless cakes. sob.
ReplyDeleteps great site - just got it through a re-tweet :)
I'm temping at the moment, and trying to convince my colleagues they just cannot live without me, and so offer me the perm role I am currently covering for - this would help with my endeavours!
ReplyDeleteI would share the cupcakes with my parents, they've both managed to give up smoking after my dad had angina and a quadruple bypass, and my mum had a heart attack - so the odd cupcake can be their new vice. I'm very proud of them!
ReplyDeleteHardly a sob story, but this weekend my friend and I are travelling up to Manchester to see a gig. We're going with a whole bunch of people I've never actually met in person before - through the band in question's forum - and I think cupcakes are a rather cracking ice breaker.
ReplyDeletePlus I've been getting up for work at 4.30am for the past month in order to pay for said jaunt, and I kinda need the sugar trip ;)
I'm not sure that I deserve to win the cupcakes, but I have had such a lovely time reading everyone's stories so thought it would be nice to share mine -
ReplyDeleteI worked in banking for a while and went on maternity leave to have my gorgeous daughter - when it was time to go back the banking crisis had begun and I was still suffering from Post-natal depression. I decided to start selling a designer range of jewellery to give me the confidence to speak to people again. I quit the bank 9 months ago and since have been commited to hard (but very enjoyable) work they asked me to become one of their Scottish Group Managers last week. My husband has been so supportive of me and the kids put up with jewellery and catalogues all around the house plus me going out at all times of the day to work. Maybe a few cupcakes would stop my darling daughter from plastering herself to the window by the front door sobbing her heart out as mummy heads off to another do another party. I would also send half of them down to the fabulous team at head office who put up with my daft questons and generally are fabulous at all they do.
It's my 30th birthday next Friday & I am having a get together with friends & family & would love to share these wonderful cupcakes with all the people I know & love! xxx
ReplyDeleteTo me cupcakes are synonymous with celebration. You can't help but smile (or in my case squeal with delight!) when you see the perfectly formed piece of cake heaven that is the cupcake. Therefore, I would share the cupcakes with all my friends and family when we tell them that we are expecting our first baby, thereby making an already special moment absolutely perfect!
ReplyDeleteI'd share them with my mum as she has just been invited to the Woman of the Year lunch in London as a woman of achievement. She works so super hard, and is an incredible mum and I'm really proud of her. I've just ordered a massive bunch of flowers to say congratulations but the cup cakes would literally be the icing on top of the cake!
ReplyDeleteI would like the cupcakes because if I got them, I would give them to the chidren in my local area. The children here don't get a lot of easy breaks. There is little to do and the few facilities there are for them ether cost which the parents can't afford or are not in good shape. It doesn't help that there has recently been incidences of drug dealing, alcohol fueled abuse, and even a murder. There is not a lot of magic for them which is very sad because children need good memories so it would lovely to give them something, even something as small as a cupcake to make them smile.
ReplyDeleteDo you know seriously I have never had one of these types of cupcakes, I have had the sad little ones with a thin hard paste of lemon, strawberry or chocolate.
ReplyDeleteI would share them with a nearly 90 year old grandma who has memory loss and needs constant nice moments to make her feel brighter, I dont think she has had them either, so it would be a new experience for a little old frail lady with a huge heart full of love.
My husband and I were married 11 days ago, and he's now back at work only to discover that in his absence they've turned his work area in to a building site! He's in the RAF and works in an office with RAF, Army and Navy guys (and one lonesome girl!) who are now very miserable at having to do their jobs surrounded by dust and noise. There's 23 of them and a whole load of cupcakes landing on their tea bar would indeed make their day, especially Ben who only arrived back from Afghanistan last week and is already back to work. Putting a smile on their faces would be wonderful right about now.
ReplyDeleteWeekend after next ny husband and I are hosting a party to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary, which was earlier this month.
ReplyDeleteWe're one of those annoying couples who are still overjoyed to be with each other and, I hope, we always will be.
We've already ordered food and we'll be hitting the shops for drinks but haven't even thought about providing cake, which would be rather nice wouldn't it, to celebrate something so special.
And it's my birthday a few days after the party too!
Can't think of anything more delightful to make a centre piece for our party table than beautiful, marvellous, fabulous cup cakes!
Actually, having posted my entry I've just read the rest. Can I rescind my own entry and make mine a supporting one for sharonkitten's entry instead?
ReplyDeleteHer wish to say thank you to teachers and staff who have welcomed and helped her Down's Syndrome daughter settle into school is surely a heart warming request, if ever I read one.
I deserve them because Kanye interrupted me after I won an award to say that Beyoncé should have won :'( So humiliating...
ReplyDeleteIn reality, I deserve them because my friends have been so good to me while I got a decent job and have been sorting my life out - so I'd give the cupcakes out to them to say thanks for letting me stay over / feeding me when I couldn't afford food / buying me drinks while out so I could be there enjoying thigns with them!
I'm not even going to begin to write a sob story, as I think you've already got enough to choose from.
ReplyDeleteBut I did just want to say thanks, as it's fab to find out about a cupcake company in my neck of the woods!
I don't deserve cupcakes anymore than the next person. However if I get them I'd scoff them with my two friends I'm having over on Saturday to farewell them back to NZ... they are the first of the 8 friends flying home for good -sob-
ReplyDeleteCan I withdraw my entry (I'll get off my behind and bake cakes for my club!) but put in a vote for the other Caroline - she sounds like she and her three kids would appreciate them greatly right now.
ReplyDeleteOoh, what a wonderful competition, I wish I hadn't missed all the others :(
ReplyDeleteThese cupcakes would be great for when my boyfriend and I move flats in the next week or two. In a new block with no friends around, we can choose whether to use them to bribe neighbours into being our friends, or to drown our lonely sorrows in smooth cream and crumbly sponge. I somehow sense the sorrows option will win out, but the neighbourly enticing was a great idea!
The fact that some of you are withdrawing your entries so other people can win is filling us with warm fuzzies :-)
ReplyDeletewell I've just twittered, "I remember getting up this morning, its now gone 4, what happened to the day and my time? ....must learn to do more in 24hrs!" I think that sum up why I deserve these cupcakes, as for sharing, no way, I need the sugar fix asap!
ReplyDeleteHurrah, a Scottish friendly cup cake competition! I deserve cupcakes because I've been doing a fitness bootcamp after work for the past 2 weeks and I'd like to gain back some of the pounds I lost in cupcake weight. I work in an office in a large building with loads of other businesses that we never meet, only pass in the corridor/at reception. If I won 36 cupcakes there would be 6 for the 6 of us in my office, and then I'd take the other 30 around the other offices and make friends!
ReplyDeleteWell, no 'woe is me' story from me (no Sian, not even about my lovelife!) but if I did win them, I would share them with the wonderful staff, volunteers and young adults who take part in the Camden Society Monday Club (where I volunteer). They do such a great job in helping young adults with moderate to severe learning difficulties and give them somewhere to socialise, learn and get support. They do such a valuable job, and deserve a treat once in a while.
ReplyDeleteBut some of the other ladies really deserve these cakes more - we can survive on sweeties instead!
The last few years I have been through a lot but have always had good friends who have stood by me, wiped away my tears, made me laugh when things were at their worst and kept me going. I would love to share these cakes with them and show them how grateful I am for all their kindness
ReplyDeleteI have just moved to england from belfast.In my old job I would walk up the street and treat myself to a cupcake if I was having a bad day, in a 'cupcake a day keeps the worries away' stylee. These beauties had gorgeous frosting and decorations - yummy! But to my horror there are no cupcakes to be found in Bromsgrove!! What's a girl to do when there is a cupcake emergency? Having my own cupcake credits would be divine!
ReplyDeleteHi All,
ReplyDeleteI would like to win cupcakes because I am holding a fund raising coffee morning at work next week to raise money and awareness for Macmillan Cancer Support.
I am sure that people will be more generous with their donations if they know that they will be eating fabulous cupcakes !!
I would like to win some cupcakes to share with my young people at work. I work with homeless kids and it would be lovely to sit down with them and to enjoy a cuppa and a cake :)