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Thursday 29 July 2010

Clothing Crush: Little Deer

My summer holiday shopping list is growing by the minute and it's all the fault of Little Deer, my new clothing crush. From floral patterns to cute playsuits to vintage pieces, the web shop just ticks all my fashion boxes.

The site is a bit over a year old, set up by Jade Golding while still at university, and sells a small but carefully selected range of stock, all with a very pretty look that's sure to appeal to a certain type of indie-buying, vintage-inspired girl. They call it 'feminine with an edge'; I call it bloody lovely. And the site is presented beautifully, with lovely photography that includes close-up details of the clothing.

The stock includes pieces independent designers picked from around the world including Australian label Fabled and True. Pictured is their Nobody but You dress (other items of their clothing are as imaginatively named - take your pick from the 'Call Me' or the 'Awesome to the Max' skirt). The label reworks vintage fabrics into new styles, so here's a pretty yellow rose pattern that's become a light summer dress with a retro sweetheart neckline. As there's only one stocked of each item I suggest you hurry up and buy this dress before I do. It costs £79.

For a slightly different look, how about this cute playsuit is from American designer Garden Party? Being of the larger bosom, I don't think I'm ever going to fit into there but, needless to say, I'll be dead jealous of those who can. This is £54.

To top that all off, there's also a well judged selection of vintage. This green floral playsuit is exactly the thing to see you through the remaining long days of summer. It's reasonably priced too at £27.

Visit the site's blog for more inspiration. It pulls together gorgeous photo shoots from elsewhere on the web, as well as highlighting some good independent designers. And I haven't even mentioned the selection of jewellery they stock. In fact, with this overload of loveliness, I think I need to lie down. Thanks to Little Deer, you'll find me in a sun-drenched meadow, dreaming of floral dresses.


  1. I have got to get me one of the headbands on there! So hippie and cute!

  2. Hi! We just stumbled across this post about our shop! thanks so much my dear! Lovely blog, lovely post!


    The Little Deer


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